Page 75 of Bittersweet
“These two have chosen to write their own vows, so I’ll let them take this show away.”
There is no microphone, no need for voice projection, or any of that. Wilson snaps a couple photos on his phone to commemorate the day, and it’s all I need.
Patrick clears his throat, since we rehearsed him going first, not that I have any idea what he’s about to say.
“Never in a million years did I think I’d be standing here on Christmas Eve about to marry the woman my father tried to get me to seduce into selling us her land.”
Everyone cracks up, including me, because it’s the most off-the-cuff opening line I never would have come up with.
“Jokes on you, Dad, because I did seduce her, but it was only so she’d fall in love with me rather than give us more planting acreage.” Patrick flashes a goofy smile, but then I see his eyes grow serious. “I think we all know I’m not much for flowery language and public speeches. I’m the behind-the-desk guy, the numbers whiz who works better with data than I ever could with prose. But the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I’d been calculating my entire life incorrectly. Because I never factored you in, and my God, what a mistake that had been. You are everything to me, Cassandra. You walked into town and it was like the universe finally turned to the wattage it was supposed to be set at. So here they are, my vows to you. I vow to protect and support you every single day, to believe in you, even in your most vulnerable moments. I vow to love you completely every day of our lives. I vow to let you sleep in late, to pretend you win the pizza making competition, and shield you from our family’s nosiness as best as I can. I vow to sit through any musical you and Wilson put on here, and I vow to put you above all else. I love you, Cassandra Mauer. I always will.”
Tears stream down my face at his declarations, and I’m not sure how I’m going to get a word out without my voice cracking. Patrick reaches out and thumbs away some of the wetness as I try to gather myself.
“There you go again, making me fall head over heels when I thought I couldn’t tumble further into my love for you.” I sigh, and he smiles, his eyes glistening as well. “I came back to this town unsure, grieving, unanchored in my life, and looking for a sign of where my path would take me next. And then you walked in out of the darkness, a scowl on your face, and my heart sped up like it just knew. I’ve never had a lot of people to depend on, but in the hardest hours of my life, you were there unflinchingly. And for the rest of my days, I vow to do the same for you. I promise I’ll always be your partner, even when you don’t want the truth, I’ll be your best friend, and I’ll be the one to care for you come hell or high water. I vow to pull you out of work when those spreadsheets have you in a chokehold, promise I’ll work the restaurant by your side during holidays and festivals, and I’ll always defend you when your siblings talk crap about you.”
That brings a light chuckle from the people standing around us.
“You’re the love of my life, Patrick Ashton, and I can’t wait to make that life so much more fulfilled with you.”
The way we goofily grin at each other just shows how antsy we are to be married already.
Nonna recites the traditional “I do’s” and we repeat after her, slipping a band onto each other’s ring finger as we say them.
“Then by the power vested in me by the state of Pennsylvania, and the pizza gods who brought this family together, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Our smiles seem identical as we experience the moment that our lives are joined together forever.
Then his hands are on my cheeks, mine go to his hips, and we kiss. Our lips meet like we’re the only two in the room, like this intimate gesture will ward away all bad that might occur for the rest of our lives. Patrick kisses me like it’s a promise, and I kiss him like I am giving him all of me for the rest of our days.
“Mrs. Ashton,” he breathes as our foreheads meet.
“That sounds so good.” I smile goofily.
The cheers around us ring out, and Patrick holds our conjoined hands high above our heads as if to saywe did it.
After a lot of happy tears, congratulations, and the quartet playing “All I Want for Christmas is You,” we make our way out to the lobby. With its fireplace, sunken chairs, old country-style charm, and familiar surroundings, it’s absolutely perfect.
We decided on a no-table “reception,” with none other than the famous variations of pizza and appetizers from the restaurant as our buffet meal. Paper plates, plastic drink cups, and no fussy decor had been my mandate, because I didn’t want anyone wasting time on a cleanup afterward. I want this to be as low-stress and fun as possible, which means just spending time together.
And then taking my husband home and letting him deliver as many orgasms as possible until we both pass out.
My only tiny wish is that we could do so in our new house, but it won’t be ready for several months. We put an offer on the final farmhouse we toured, the one whose driveway we sat in when deciding to get married on Christmas, and it was accepted in hours. Though we have a fair bit of construction ahead of us, I know it’s the forever home we’ve been looking for.
I also love that it’s off the beaten path, hidden in the woods away from a world where my life has been far too publicized. Yes, I probably can’t ever escape my former life in Hollywood, but I will try my hardest to live a private life in Hope Crest for the rest of my days. This small town, my husband, my family, and our future children, that’s all I want moving forward.
“Welcome to the family.” Alana comes up and clinks her plastic champagne glass to mine. “So happy to have a sister in all these stupid boys.”
I chuckle, and we both watch as Evan, Liam, and Patrick laugh about something by the fireplace.
“My girls.” Leona walks up and hugs us both to her.
That makes me beam inside. I’ve never had a mother who treats me with unconditional love, but from day one, Leona has tried to treat me just like one of her own.
“Thank you for letting me borrow your grandmother’s locket.” I motion to the crystal heart at my neck.
She smooths a hand down my arm. “Not just borrow. It’s yours, dear. My grandmother was such as strong woman, overcame such strife to come to this country and create a home here. Just like you’re doing now. You remind me so much of her. I’m proud my son finally picked his perfect match.”
“Well, shit, now I’m crying.” Alana dabs at her eyes as I let out a watery laugh.