Page 62 of Problems
Jack nodded as if he couldn't have thought of a better word. I wrapped my hand around my cock stroking it lightly as I stared at my boy. "But you can take it. Right baby boy?"
Jack bit his lip, his eyes glued to my cock with hunger shimmering in the brown depths.
"You can do it, wee one. Take Daddy Ronan's cock while we watch."
My heart was going to break free of my ribcage any second now. I wasn't going to be alive much longer with how hot the situation was turning. I knew one day if I'd ever had Jack, I'd make it sweet for him, at least for the first time, but having the other two there that was impossible. All I wanted to do was ravish Jack until he was blubbering broken mess.
A pearl of precum dripped from my head and rolled down my cock before I caught it and used it as a little lube to keep stroking my cock.
"Go ahead and taste him slut," Cian coached. The other two had stopped moving. Everyone's eyes were on Jack; it was impossible not to stop and stare.
Jack licked his lips leaving a sheen on them as he leaned forward. His lips parted and his tongue slipped out as he took the head of my cock into his mouth. The moan that left him sent vibrations straight to my balls as he attempted to take more of my length into his mouth. His lips were stretched and slightly paled as he took what he could.
"A little more, baby boy," I groaned.
My hand rested on the back of his head, coaxing him to take more of me. There was no way he was going to be able to take me fully down his throat, not this time at least. We could work on that another day. A shiver raced down my spine just imagining my cock deep in Jack's throat.
Tears dripped from Jack's eyes as he took more of me in. He looked up through his thick wet lashes driving me more insane. Cian appeared next to him and he lapped up the tear that ran down Jack's cheek with a moan.
"Fuck you even cry pretty," Cian said.
I nodded, catching the tears from his other eye and bringing it to my mouth. Jack's pupils were blown as he sucked and lapped at my cock. Finnian moved behind Jack, his green eyes locked with mine.
"We weren't going to fuck him yet."
My stomach dropped at the news. Oh, I'd had every intention of sinking into Jack and claiming a piece of him.
"But now that we’re all here, how about it? You want to take Daddy Ronan's cock first?" He asked Jack.
Cian snickered. "I want to say that I'm good with not going first if I get to watch Jack get split in half."
I moved my hand away and Jack pulled off my cock with an audible pop. He sucked in air greedily wiping at the salvia coating his bottom lip and chin. He blinked away the tears that clung to his eyelashes.
"We don't move unless you say something boy," Finnian said.
I waited on bated breath for Jack's answer. He looked to Cian and then to Finnian before he turned to me.
"Daddy Ronan will you fu—"His head tilted, and I groaned.
"This one time, it’s okay."
Jack smiled.I just want to attack him. The restraints that held me back for so long were useless.
"Will you fuck me first, Daddy Ronan?"
"You two good with that?" I was forced out. I didn't want to ask but lucky my brain hadn't shut off completely.”
"Like I said, I want to see Jack cry." Cian grabbed Jack's face and kissed him not giving a damn. Jack's mouth had been wrapped around my cock moments ago.
Finnian shrugged his gaze drawn to Cian and Jack making out. Then there was no objection to me taking our boy. Finnian tossed something at me and I caught it on instinct. I held the condom in my hand, staring at it as if it was some foreign object. I'd been so lost to the desire coursing through my veins that I'd forgotten about it.
Cian released Jack and the moment he did, Jack had all of five seconds to suck in air before Finnian was grabbing him next. If Cian tried to devour Jack, Finnian dominated Jack while kissing him.
"Fuck this thing is getting in the way," Cian groaned.
For the first time since I’d walked in, I noticed Cian was wearing the skimpy outfit that he'd put Jack in. The skirt was way too small and the bra was painted onto his flesh. He snatched it all off and tossed them to the side.
"I don't think I gave you permission to take those off," Finn said.