Page 65 of Problems
"Don't try it. Open up for daddy."
"That's not fair," Jack whined but he opened his mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut as I put the bar of soap in his mouth.
"Now close." I placed both of my hands on his thighs and ran them up and down. "You're going to hold that bar in your mouth for five minutes."
Jack grunted around the bar. He kept his eyes screwed shut however, the rest of his body had relaxed against my touch. He probably didn't notice how he leaned closer to me every few seconds.
"You're doing so good for Daddy." I kissed his nose, avoiding the bar of soap. “I got you a present if you keep being good, I'll give it to you.”
Jack sat up straighter at my words of encouragement. Time passed by quickly and not once had Jack tried to wiggle out of the punishment.
I took the soap bar out of Jack's mouth, and he hopped off the counter. He twisted around and went right for the sink and rinsed it out. He spat a few times, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. I stood behind him and stared at our reflections. There was nothing in my life that could have prepared me to become Jack's daddy. I was floored that he'd pick someone like me. I kissed his cheek.
"You did so well. Daddy is proud of you." I watched his reflection as a shy smile came over his face.
"I really am sorry Daddy. I'll do better." He turned around and draped his arms over my shoulders. Both of us were still stark naked but there was something far more intimate going on between us.
“Thank you.”
Jack smiled up at me and warmth enveloped my chest. I couldn’t stop staring at him. I forced myself to move.
“Let me go get your present.”
I ran out of the bathroom and grabbed my pants. I glanced at the bed still in shock that we’d all had sex in the small queen size bed. I fished out the bracelet I'd made and brought it back to the bathroom to present to my boy.
“Hold out your wrist.”
Jack obeyed and I hooked the tracking bracelet around his arm. It was platinum that wasn’t too heavy but didn’t draw the eye either. Jack stared intently and I brought it to my mouth kissing the cool medal.
“The night you went out scared the living shit out of me. This is so Daddy always knows where you are. Can you promise me you will never take it off?”
Jack chewed on his lip as he stared at the bracelet. “What if I want to go out with friends?”
“Then you tell me, Finnian, or Cian. As long as we know where you are. I don’t ever want to feel like I might lose you,” I said. Jack had no idea the amount of fear that had sliced through my veins. The copious amounts of possibilities that had flashed in my mind.
“Okay, Daddy I won’t take it off.”
The tension in my body eased at his words. “Come here baby boy.” I scooped Jack up in my arms and kissed him gently. I took my time devouring him.
Jack broke free on a moan; his lips were red from all the abuse they’d taken today. It only made me want to kiss him more.
"Can you take a bath with me?"
"I would love to." I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
"Oh, wait, it's Daddy Cian's day.” Jack glanced at the door and as if summoned Cian barged in.
"What are you doing with my slutty boy?"
"He needs to get cleaned up."
"I like him dirty," Cian said.
Of course, he did.
"Daddy Cian, would it be okay if I took a bath with Daddy Ronan? Unless you want to take a bath with me?" Jack asked.
"Eh." Cian hopped up on the counter still naked. "I'll just watch." He propped his elbows on his crossed legs and rested his head on his hands.