Page 29 of The Alpha's Regret
His tone isn't any less disgusted, but I try not to be offended. Maya shrugs, not agreeing with my claim, but not denying it either. A small smile creeps onto her lips as she takes my hand and pulls me back to her side. His eagle eyes catch the movement and the way she tucks herself into me.
"Goddess above. I should never have let Hayley talk me into this stupid exchange. Maya, get your shit, we're going home."
Dean is fuming as we walk in silence toward the Alpha’s office. Jonathan Jones stands smiling in the doorway, looking thrilled to see us, as if we’re all coming for a friendly chat. Nothing about his demeanour suggests there’s an angry alpha marching in his direction, determined to make someone’s life difficult.
Except Dean’s not mad. Deep down, he’s scared.
I cling to Nathan’s hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. Although, even though Nathan is the target of Dean’s displeasure, I feel like I need it more than Nathan does. He looks unfazed. Despite the red mark on his jaw, that must hurt, he seems completely unbothered by Dean’s outburst. He knew this was coming at some point, I suppose.
“Alpha Reynolds!” Johnathan calls out in greeting, extending a hand to my brother and forcing him to engage in pleasantries before he can launch into the rant we all know he wants to let loose.
“Alpha Jones, it’s good to see you again.”
I can’t help but smile at my brother’s disappointment at having to play nice. In every other way, he is an amazing alpha, but he doesn’t trust anyone. The hatred my father spewed about other packs is still ingrained in his mind. Logically, he knows our father was not a well man, and most of what he said was probably lies, or twisted to suit his narrative, at least. That doesn’t mean he didn’t influence Dean's way of thinking.
Since he took over the pack, Dean has spent years trying to rebuild the relationships my father destroyed. At every turn, he has been stonewalled. Nobody was willing to move past my father’s unacceptable behaviour and offer Dean a clean slate, until Hayley and Cooper took charge of Grey Ridge.
“I’m not Alpha anymore, Dean, but Cooper is otherwise occupied with his mate and Rex is out with the other members of your pack. I thought it best to leave them to it.”
Dean nods, and without turning around, addresses Ross who, as always, stands at his back.
“You can go back to the bar, Ross. I’ll take it from here. And not a word to anyone.”
Ross gives me an apologetic shrug before turning and leaving. Tattler. I knew he would speak to my brother about what happened, but I thought he would check in with me first. Or at least wait until morning.
“Maya. My dear. It’s lovely to finally meet you.”
Johnathan’s eyes shine with warmth as he crosses the room and takes my two hands in his. He is blatantly ignoring the waves of rage pouring from my brother. The man is a genius. Instead of escalating the situation by huffing and puffing over another alpha barging into his territory unannounced, he’s acting as if he invited Dean to this joyous occasion himself. He’s letting Dean stew, and the longer he waits, the more his anger should settle into something less violent.
“It’s a pleasure, sir. Thank you for welcoming me into your pack.”
“Sir! Ha,” Jonathon scoffs and grins at me, waving away my formal greeting. “It’s Johnathan to you Maya. We’re pretty casual around here.”
He hits me with a breath-taking smile that has all of Nathan’s cheekiness, even if he looks much more like Cooper. Releasing my hands, he moves back around to the far side of the desk, and Nathan moves to my side, touching my hip gently to let me know he’s there. Even though I know my brother’s ire isn’t directed at me, I still find it comforting to know Nathan has my back.
“Come, Dean, sit. I believe we have something to celebrate!”
Johnathan winks at Nathan, and a little chuckle escapes me. I can see where he gets his naughtiness. Without waiting for an answer, the retired Alpha busies himself, pouring a few drinks and handing them out. Dean accepts politely, but I see the muscle in his jaw working. He has something he needs to get off his chest, and he won’t be able to hold it in much longer.
“My sister comes to your pack and a few days later, I’m informed that your son has declared she is his mate.”
Dean folds his enormous frame into a leather chair after Johnathan sits down and gestures for him to do the same. Dean never takes a drink though, just places the glass down on the edge of the desk, clenching his fists on his knees.
“I find this both extremely convenient for you, when an alliance with a pack of warriors would come useful, and unacceptably dangerous for Maya, who will now have a target on her back through association. Especially when, judging by the lack of a mark, she doesn’t seem to be in agreement about your mating.”
“She IS my mate, even if she doesn’t immediately recognise it. Nothing will happen to Maya. She is everything to me. I would give my life rather than let any harm to come to her and I’ll give her all the time and space she needs to decide for herself if she wants to be mine.”
Nathan’s words are so strong and sure, my heart warms to hear him speak about me like I’m the most precious thing in the world.
Dean glances at me again, and I nod, willing him to accept that Nathan could be my mate. He might not believe Nathan, but he has to listen to me. Finally, he sighs, his shoulders slumping, but instead of relaxing, his frown deepens.
“Forgive me for being so blunt Johnathan, but I’m sure Cooper said the same thing about Hayley, and Marcus about Leila, and Rex about Leah. Yet they’ve all been attacked over the last twelve months in your pack’s territory.”