Page 2 of A Hero For Heather
Many of the single women at the wedding were feeling and saying the same things she was thinking, but she wouldn’t admit it to anyone.
She was still new here and didn’t know anyone well enough to share things like that.
She’d already had more than one comment on how she looked and acted different tonight than they were used to.
Not that she needed it pointed out. She didn’t look nerdy. She had her contacts in rather than her glasses, though most didn’t see her in her glasses that often either. They usually just saw her in safety glasses when she was in the lab.
But when she was out and having fun, she tried to be the person that she felt inside. Not the one her parents and brothers wanted her to be. But the one her grandmother encouraged her to let shine.
Moving here might have been the best decision in her life, but it was still hard to break away.
“Sounds like my type of woman,” he said. “Can I get you another drink?”
“Sure,” she said, picking up her wine glass and finishing it. She’d just take an Uber home tonight. No way she was cutting the night short. She looked around the bar and didn’t see anyone from the wedding and wondered what possessed her to come in here alone. Probably because she didn’t want to go home alone.
“How long have you worked for Lily and her sisters? She seems like a great catch for Zane. Man, he needs that in his life. Lucky bastard.”
She smiled. “Just a few months. But those three sisters are the best. Is this the first time you’ve met Lily?”
“It is,” he said, “though Zane talks about her.”
“That’s so nice. You big tough guys have a sweet side.”
He laughed at her and her face blushed. She hadn’t meant to say that and wondered if the wine was loosening her tongue up a bit.
“Not sure anyone has ever said I had a sweet side to my face before.”
“I don’t know you that well,” she said. “Unless you want to share. But you’re leaving in a few days, so we are back to the here and now.”
“That’s right,” he said. “To the here and now. Or maybe later.” He held his glass up to her.
“I might be on board for the maybe later,” she said. She knew by the look in his eyes he meant going to his room and, damn it all, though she’d never done it before, she was pretty sure she was going to tonight.
Regrets would be for later, but this was the new her and why she moved away. To be herself.
If that meant a night of sex with a man she just met, then so be it.
It’s not like she’d see him again. He was going back into the service and she’d go on with her life but at least have some great memories.
A Little Excessive
Fifteen Months Later
“It’s going to be so much fun tonight,” Daisy said to Heather. “I love that they are having a Christmas Eve party and doing it at Mona’s. It’s like they are keeping it all in the family.”
Heather turned from the closet in her room where she was trying to figure out what mini skirt to put on. Daisy was in a dress, but Heather didn’t own any dresses. Well, the only one she had she’d worn to Lily’s wedding over a year ago and it was more a summer dress that she got away with in September.
Not only that, but she also hadn’t looked at it or worn it again since that day.
Too many memories of the hot guy she followed to his room after her last glass of wine at the bar.
She’d told herself she hoped she didn’t have regrets, and when her body was screaming out its releases more than once that night, she knew she’d never regret an ounce of anything.
Was she embarrassed? Yeah, she was. But she’d never see him again. And it was so nice to just be the person she always wanted to be.
Well, she didn’t want to be a slut that slept with random men, but this felt different to her. Luke was best friends with her boss’s husband, not a random stranger.