Page 22 of A Hero For Heather
“And doesn’t smell as if you are trying to cover something up,” Lily said. “I love it. What else do you have?”
“Just a few more, but that is my favorite. I wanted to do more but then told myself to not spend too much time on it in case you don’t like the idea.”
“I like it,” Poppy said. “Though I’m sure Lily is going to say to roll something out like this small and with only a few select scents.”
“That is the smart way to do it,” Lily said.
“I thought maybe if you don’t mind, I could come up with a few more, then you could decide on what you like or if you think they need to be stronger or weaker. Testers of sorts. We could have the staff test and give reviews too.”
“That sounds like a plan,” Lily said. “I’ll look into manufacturing costs if you tell me what you need or plan on using for sizes and ingredients and then we’ll run some costs and go from there.”
“Really?” Heather asked.
“Yes,” Lily said. “Why do you sound so surprised? It’s a great idea and we won’t know how it will do unless we try it.”
“Exactly,” Rose said. “It could be a big hit. Are you going to use a lot of the combination of scents you’ve got for candles already?”
“That was my thought,” she said. “They just need to be tweaked because of the base ingredients and liquid over solid type thing, but that will be the easiest to do. I can guess which ones are the best sellers, but if Lily can tell me for sure, maybe that is where we start.”
They talked for a few more minutes and Poppy and Rose left to go back to their offices and Heather was picking up the rest of her stuff to return to the labs. She saw Lily the most since her lab was on Lily’s personal property, but she tried to never bother her boss outside of working hours.
Jasmine was the one she saw the most, as the two of them worked together. She’d need flowers from Jasmine to do her thing and Jasmine was on site with the flowers daily.
“Good job, Heather,” Lily said.
“Thank you.”
“I knew it was perfect the day I hired you. You’ve been such a great addition to our team.”
“That makes me feel so good,” she said. It was nice to hear someone say she had some value. That her education and hard work weren’t going to waste just because she didn’t do what her parents wanted her to.
Lily reached for her hand. “I know you love what you do and it shows. Just remember that. We can’t all make others happy with our choices, but if you are happy that is all that matters.”
It was like Lily knew she still felt the rejection from her parents at times. One of these days maybe it wouldn’t be as bad, but she wasn’t sure how to get to that place.
Old One Behind Him
Luke got home a little before eight on Wednesday night. The first thing he noticed as his headlights hit the side of the house was the wood was gone and a new window was in its place.
At least it’d be quiet again inside.
A few nights ago when he’d heard the glass break, he had his gun in his hand that was on the bedside table, the safety off, and was quietly moving through the house in his underwear.
He could tell by the cold air and the sound of the wind that a window was busted, but he didn’t know how it happened.
Was someone trying to break in? If that was the case, they had another thing coming.
Not that he had anything to take, but he wasn’t going down without a fight.
No one entered his personal space that he didn’t want there.
When he saw the branch on the floor and the shards of glass everywhere, it was easy enough to figure out what happened, but he still cleared the house first.
Then he pulled on some jeans and a shirt, found his boots and jacket and went out to the barn to see if he could find some wood and nails to board it up. No way he was waking Zane up in the middle of the night to drive here and fix what he could do himself.
By the time he was all done it was close to two in the morning. The outside had been taken care of, the inside swept multiple times. He didn’t have a vacuum but would just have to be careful for a bit in case there was more glass around on the hardwood floors.