Page 25 of A Hero For Heather
He hung up after that, finished his dinner and grabbed the remote as he sat in his recliner.
It was funny really that this was the life he was looking for. Nothing exciting or fancy. Some peace and quiet in a home that he could call his own.
Someday he’d have that. He’d be the first homeowner in his family. He’d make something of himself and never step foot back in the place he grew up.
If he was lucky enough, he’d be able to wipe any of his family from his mind too.
Once he got to that point, maybe he’d find a woman that could look beyond where he came from or the killer he was at his job.
Living On Mars
“This might not be the best weekend to go out to get a drink,” Heather said to Daisy. “I’m not sure how I let you and Ivy talk me into this.”
A few days before Valentine’s Day and here she was putting on nice jeans and a top with boots. Not really sexy boots but not stomping through the snow ones either. The past two weekends the weather had been horrible and the plans Ivy had to go out had been postponed.
It wasn’t until Heather looked at the date this morning that she realized what the three single girls were going to be doing.
“Sure, it is,” Daisy said. “Maybe three other single guys will be out too and we can chat them up.”
Daisy had broken things off with the guy she’d been dating. Loosely dating. His behavior on New Year’s Eve had been the final straw for Daisy to say, nope, not worth it.
She’d been there herself with men. Gone on a few dates hoping to latch onto something that she could continue, but it never happened. It was more like it was easier to find things she didn’t like than those she could live with.
Probably why she was still single too.
If she thought of Luke often, she pushed it from her mind. She hadn’t heard his name in a few weeks and sure the heck hadn’t seen him.
Her body was remembering it all though.
“I highly doubt that is going to happen,” she said. “It’s more likely there will be a lot of couples out and we’ll feel more like losers.”
“Speak for yourself,” Daisy said. “We’ve got Ivy with us. She’s a ball of energy and fun. I won’t feel like a loser and don’t need a man to make me feel whole. Where is all of this coming from? It’s not like you to be so negative about men and relationships. You’re normally the one giving me advice.”
Crap. She hadn’t realized that and had to get her head on straight.
She never did care all that much if she was with someone. Or she put a good front up that she could or would be fine on her own.
That is until she found someone she wanted to spend more time with that wasn’t that far from here and yet he might as well be living on Mars.
“No clue, but a good reminder,” she said. “Maybe it was talking to my brother Gavin the other day. I had to get the lecture that I better be watching out for myself. That if I was out alone, did I have my pepper spray? Did I remember how to get free and run? Blah, blah, blah.”
Daisy laughed. “I think it’s sweet your brother cares so much.”
“Yeah,” she said. “It is. Even if it’s annoying.”
She loved her overprotective brothers until they annoyed the crap out of her. And maybe part of the problem with Luke was...she saw traits of her brothers in him.
The hero part. The one that would save people.
Not that he was saving her. More like he was making her run toward him and not away.
She held back the grin at what her brothers would think of her behavior with the sexy sniper.
Yeah, that sniper part threw her for a loop.
Not sure why it did, but there was part of her deep down that realized how truly dangerous he could be when he didn’t come across that way when she’d been around him.