Page 35 of A Hero For Heather
“Then we’ll let it play out,” she said. “But we’ve got each other’s number. No reason we can’t just check in with each other now and again, right?”
There was a twinkle in her eyes when she said that. “Sure,” he said. He stood up and pulled her up with him, yanked her in for another kiss, and then said, “Thanks for understanding.”
She nodded her head and he left, then drove home to his place alone.
He’d said he liked the peace and quiet but then wondered what the hell he was going to do the rest of his Sunday off all alone.
* * *
“Well?” Daisy asked, coming out of her room.
“Your TV was loud, we heard it, but yet you heard the door shut,” she said. “Did you have your ear to the door?”
“Maybe,” Daisy said. “But not enough to hear anything other than muffled words and then silence. Did you guys kiss?”
No reason to lie at this point. “We did. But he left. And now we are just going to cool things off for a bit. Not that there was much going on anyway.”
“I’m confused,” Daisy said. “Why would he come over here to just cool off when, as you said, you aren’t even doing anything?”
“I’m as confused as you,” she said. “He said that he wanted me to know Zane and Trace figured there was something going on last night too. He didn’t tell them what I told you. Just that both guys said they wouldn’t say anything. I have to believe that.”
“Does it matter if they do tell Lily and Violet?”
“I don’t think so. I guess not. I just don’t like a lot of attention on me. And I don’t want them to think poorly of me either.”
Daisy laughed. “To the best of my knowledge the only action you’ve had since you’ve been here is him. No one is going to think anything. You barely date and when you do it lasts less than my dates do.”
“True,” she said. “He’s got a lot going on in his life. He asked what I wanted or was looking for. I told him.”
“What is that?” Daisy asked. “That you want someone to come to you?”
“God no,” she said. “Though he did come to me again, didn’t he?” She hadn’t realized that until just now. “I just said that I want someone I’ve got things in common with and had a good time with. Could get to know more. Had some chemistry and we agreed we had that. And that I’m not a clingy person. I love my job and work a lot and need my space too.”
“I’m sure he appreciated that,” Daisy said. “Most men would.”
“He seemed to. He doesn’t give much away that I can see.”
She didn’t like she couldn’t get much of a read on him but then told herself she’d never been able to read men that well.
Probably came from not being in a lot of relationships in her life.
“Maybe it’s all his military training,” Daisy said.
“Sure,” she said. But she didn’t believe it. She figured it had more to do with how he was raised though he never said much there either.
“So now what?”
“We’ve got each other’s number, but he’s going to finish out at the academy and focus on that. Then he’ll see where he’s stationed. With any luck it’s close enough.”
“And if it’s not?” Daisy asked.
“Then it’s not,” she said. “I’m not moving or leaving my job and he has no choice in the matter where he ends up. I think what he did was considerate, the more I think of it. Why get involved with someone that might not be around? He even told me to let him know if I find someone else.”
“Wow,” Daisy said. “I might be insulted if I was told that.”
“I didn’t take it that way. I told him I wasn’t looking and even when I was before I wasn’t finding anyone.”
“Did you tell him he was the only one you’ve slept with?” Daisy asked.