Page 45 of A Hero For Heather
Luke stepped back and let the young doctor do his thing, prepared to assist if need be, but the minute her head was turned and he saw her face, he was sure the color drained from his.
The doctor turned to him. “She’s breathing. That’s good. Probably has a concussion for sure. Maybe from the airbag. Her ankle and tibia look to be busted, but I don’t know if there are internal injuries until we get her to the hospital. See if you can find some ID to call someone.”
“No need,” Luke said after a second. “Her name is Heather Davis.”
“You know her?” the doctor said.
“Yeah.” His eyes were filling and he had to pull it back. He wasn’t sure he’d ever felt this for anyone before. Not emotions this deep and raw. “I’ll make some calls. She’s going to be okay, right?”
“I hope so,” the doctor said. “I won’t know until she gets to the hospital. I’ll follow along when the ambulance gets here.”
Which arrived a minute later. He’d already called Zane, who was calling Lily to get Daisy. Daisy would know how to reach Heather’s parents, he was sure. Worst case, being Daisy’s roommate, she’d meet them at the hospital.
He felt sick to his stomach. He hadn’t even looked at her face when he was getting her out of the car. His training kicked in and that was it.
Speaking of training, he couldn’t walk off the job. He had more to do. The local police were here now and he moved to talk to them, told them what he saw. He’d have to write up his own report too. Talk about excitement on his second day.
When he got back to the barracks at the end of his shift, Zane had given him an update. Luke was trying to focus on the rest of the day and it had been hard, but he’d been told Heather was in surgery to put a plate in her leg, and that she had a concussion but no other injuries they could find.
He couldn’t explain the relief he felt hearing that.
Walking into the locker room at the end of his shift to get his keys to leave, he was thinking of showering and changing and said screw it. He wasn’t going to waste another minute before he went to the hospital to check on Heather.
“There is the hero trying to make the rest of us look like shit. First week and he saves a lady from a burning car. What the fuck,” Brian said. Brian was a good guy, at least judging from his one day talking to him. Seemed everyone here got along.
“Just luck of the draw,” he said.
“Let us buy you a drink tonight,” Myron said, coming over. He was close to retirement and an investigator.
“I’ll take a rain check,” he said. “Been a long day and I just want to get home.”
Luke wasn’t going to tell them he was going to check on Heather. They didn’t need to know he knew her. It’s not like he could even explain the relationship he had with her. They hadn’t talked in months. Just a few text messages.
If he planned on reaching out to see if they could see each other, maybe get dinner or something this weekend, he told himself that he was the idiot that might have waited too long.
He wasn’t sure why he did. Maybe he was still unsure of what she saw in him or if she wanted to even be with him.
Having the academy and going through training had been a good excuse, but with it done, he wasn’t sure why he was still dragging his feet.
He was done with that now. Going through what he did today, he wasn’t going to wait again. So stupid on his part. He’d always known life was precious and could be taken from you at any point.
Yet he forgot it when it came to his own life. Probably because he felt not many would miss him.
He knew that was wrong now though.
Luke drove right to the hospital and was directed to the waiting room. He saw Daisy in there right away, who got up and came running to him, hugging him. “Thank you for saving her. Oh my God. I can’t believe that happened. She was coming to the shop to bring me and Rose flowers to work on some pieces. It’s my fault. I should have just had her bring them home rather than go out of her way.”
“It’s not your fault,” he said. “Shit happens.”
“I know. Heather’s parents are here. Her brothers will be here tomorrow. They are both working right now but will drive in tomorrow. At least that is what her parents said. They are down getting something to eat. They will want to thank you if you can just wait around.”
“Sure,” he said.
He didn’t think he needed thanks for doing his job. He wasn’t sure why he was here either. Maybe he thought he could see her, but she had enough family to care for her. To check in on her. Why would she want to see the guy that she’d slept with three times and yet didn’t seem to have the time to take her out to dinner?
“Did that person get a ticket?” Daisy asked him.