Page 64 of A Hero For Heather
Know The Truth
“I got you a glass of wine,” Luke said when he moved closer to Heather. She was sitting in the sun by herself. There were chairs around but empty, as people were walking and talking.
There weren’t more than eleven adults here and several children. Mostly babies. But people were moving around and Heather was sitting by herself and he didn’t want that.
He’d been talking with Zane and then Trace. Thomas and Reese were nice enough guys, but as Zane had said before, the suits and the money just made him uncomfortable.
Could they throw back a beer with him? Yeah. They could.
But they didn’t know where he came from nor would he ever say.
Zane knew bits and pieces but not enough. He trusted his best friend to not say a lot either.
Nothing more than Zane busting his ass for the past few weeks about finally making a move toward Heather since they’d seen each other in the bar.
He didn’t elaborate on anything more. Men didn’t gossip like that.
“Thank you,” she said. He sat down next to her. “Do you get the feeling that we might be being talked about more than the newly engaged couple here today?”
Luke lifted his beer to his lips. He felt that way too. “Could be possible. Does that bother you?”
“No,” she said. “It never did. It’s just that everyone thinks I fell for you for being my hero.”
He laughed. “We know the truth. Isn’t that enough?”
“It is for me,” she said. “And nothing I’m sharing with others.”
“Daisy knows,” he pointed out.
“She won’t say anything,” she said.
“How are you feeling?” he asked. “Sore or tired?”
She tried not to roll her eyes, he saw. He asked her that pretty much daily because there was part of him that hated that she’d gotten hurt. He knew it wasn’t anything he did or could have controlled, but that didn’t stop the feelings he had.
“I feel great. It’s just my leg and it’s fine. I get aches and pains, but that is normal. I can’t wait to get rid of this thing permanently, but I’ll be happy the crutches will be gone soon enough. I’m not sure. I just want one or the other gone, to be honest.”
She’d been giving him an update with her doctor’s appointments. He was glad she was healing as well as she was.
They’d been out to eat a couple of times in the past few weeks. She’d been to his house for dinner and she’d had him over for dinner days ago.
He wasn’t happy that she’d cooked, but he got there to help and set the table. Daisy was working and it was just the two of them, but her roommate was home by eight and he took his leave.
His body was wired and ready to go, but he was holding back. He didn’t want to hurt her and it was not like they hadn’t waited this long already. What were a few more weeks or so?
“You’ve been a better sport about using them than I would have been,” he said.
“I follow orders,” she said. “That could be why I’m healing so fast. Plus, it gets my mother off my back to know how well I’m doing.”
He snorted. He’d heard all about Jill’s daily calls. Heather was a better sport than him there too.
Not that he had any kind of relationship with his mother like she did with hers. He couldn’t get away from his parents fast enough.
The fact his mother called and left him a message again that he deleted might be why he was sour lately.
There was part of him that wanted to change his number and then he said no. He wasn’t doing that. He could block her but chose not to either.