Page 74 of A Hero For Heather
“I know that. But I’ve had to deal with my brothers my whole life when I liked someone. They almost always scare the person away.”
Daisy frowned. “I’m not sure there is much that can scare Luke away. He’s been to war. He’s a sniper. He’s a state trooper. He rescued you from a burning car that might have exploded.”
“I know,” she said. “But it’s hard when it’s what you’ve always seen happen.”
“You need to stop thinking that,” Daisy said. “Just live your life. You’re happy. We are all happy for you and that is what you need to focus on.”
“You’re right,” she said.
“So when your parents want to come and visit you again soon, are you going to introduce them to Luke?”
“I’m hoping they don’t visit soon, but I will tell them about Luke before they get here.”
“Just not before they say they are coming?”
“Probably not,” she said. “I know that is wrong of me. I just want to enjoy what the two of us have.”
“There is nothing wrong with that,” Daisy said. “Speaking of enjoying, if I’m not working for your next doctor’s appointment, can I go with you? Your doctor is a nice sight I enjoy seeing.”
“Sure,” she said. “He is that if you like that type.”
“What type is that?” Daisy asked. “Young. Handsome. Stable. Yeah, what a horrible type to have. Oh yeah, saving women from the side of the road after a car accident.”
“You know he’s young for a doctor. And he’s good looking. You have no idea if he’s stable or not.”
“He’s got a great job,” Daisy argued. “He has to be.”
“No, he doesn’t,” she said. “He could have crazy student loans. Maybe he’s a gambler. He could be a cheater. You don’t know those things.”
“I know,” Daisy said. “He doesn’t come off as any of those things.”
“If you say so,” she said. “You’ve seen him what, two to three times? What’s going on?”
Daisy laughed. “Nothing. All I want to do is look at him again. A girl can weave up fantasies in her head, right? Nothing wrong with that, is there?”
“Nope,” she said. “There isn’t.”
Later that night Heather was in her room watching TV when her phone rang. She saw it was her mother and was shocked her mother would call this late.
“Hi, Mom. Everything okay?”
“Yes,” her mother said. “I just figured you might have been busy today and didn’t want to bother you. I sent you a text earlier and you didn’t respond.”
“You did?” she asked, pulling her phone back. There wasn’t any text there that she could see. “I didn’t get anything. I just checked.”
There was a pause and her mother started to laugh. “Silly me. I forgot to hit send.”
She frowned. “Oh,” she said.
“How are you feeling?”
She was sure that was what the text said, as it said it daily for the most part. “I’m doing well. I went to a party at Lily’s yesterday. It was an engagement party for Violet and Trace.”
“The writer that used to be in the military?” her mother asked. She did tell her mother about the people she worked with.
“That’s them,” she said. “It was a lot of fun.”
“I hope you didn’t overdo it.”