Page 78 of A Hero For Heather
So yeah, something about the Bloom sisters that just seemed to ground those around them.
“You don’t say much about Luke. Where is he from?”
“The Baltimore area,” she said. “I don’t know much more. He doesn’t talk about his past.”
“Really?” Daisy asked with her face scrunched up. “Everyone talks about something in their past.”
“Not everyone,” she said. Luke was a good example of it.
“Do you think he has something to hide?”
“We all have things we don’t want others to know,” she said. “But it can’t be horrible or he’d have never been hired for his job.”
“That’s true. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. You seem so happy with him and I’m glad it’s out in the open now.”
“Me too,” she said.
“Then how come you aren’t cooking dinner for him tonight and only doing it for me?” Daisy asked.
“He’s working until six. If he’s lucky.”
He’d been late every other day this week and that was fine. She’d talk to him later. She didn’t need to see him daily, she realized. Even if she wanted to.
“Do you wish you lived with him?” Daisy asked.
“Where is this all coming from? I’m not moving out, don’t worry. We’ve only been dating for over a month. Living together is nowhere near on the horizon.”
She knew Daisy would never be able to afford to live here alone and felt bad that maybe her best friend had that fear going through her brain but was afraid to say something.
“I just didn’t want you to think I’m worried. I mean, don’t make decisions based on me.”
“First off,” she said, reaching her hand over, “I wouldn’t do that. I really won’t even though I love you, but I’d talk to you about it. And second of all, I’m not someone to jump into anything fast. I don’t think Luke is either. Look at how long it’s taken for us to get to where we are. I didn’t even have sex with him again until this past weekend and after we’d had it three times and been dating for the past five weeks.”
Daisy laughed. “I guess you’re right.”
“I know I am. Put it from your head.”
“I will,” Daisy said. “I need chocolate. I’m hormonal. That is what my problem is. I know it.”
“I’ll share my private chocolate stash with you. It’s the least I can do.”
“You’ve got a private chocolate stash?” Daisy asked with her hands on her hips. “Not fair.”
“I needed it last week,” she said. “I didn’t go through it all. I’ll show you where I keep it. If it’s in plain sight I eat it all. This way I’m only tempted when I need it.”
“Now I feel honored you shared that with me,” Daisy said, wiping an imaginary tear from her cheek.
“You should,” she said.
The two of them laughed and finished their dinner, then had their chocolate and coffee.
Heather liked the routine she had with her best friend, but there was part of her that wanted something like that with Luke too.
Find The Courage
The last Sunday in July, Luke found himself sitting in a chair by the water at his house with Heather. It was after seven and she would normally be going home but decided to stay the night. He’d be going to work on Tuesday and it was the first time she’d have to get up and leave for work herself from his house.