Page 12 of Fierce: Sawyer
She burst out laughing, Fred barked and then settled back down. “Thanks, I think. But you’ve only seen me in exercise clothing looking like a hot mess. In the lab with my coat on and safety glasses and gloves, you would think differently.”
He wasn’t sure why that thought was almost turning him on.
“You make a good point.”
“Do you wear a suit daily?” she asked. “I’ve only seen you looking like this. It’s nice to know you are keeping in shape in your job to run down someone. You know, like muggers.”
He grinned. “I can’t do my job well if I let someone get away,” he said. “As for suits, not a full suit. A jacket or shirt, no tie. Things have loosened up over the years somewhat.”
“Like not wanting to run someone down all dressed up like you are going to a wedding? Dress shoes might be a little slippery.”
“The good thing about men’s shoes is a lot of them now have the soles of sneakers but can look dressier. But yes, I’ve ruined more clothes than I care to say.”
“That is why I wear a lab jacket,” she said.
His phone went off again, he knew it was a second reminder, just in case he missed the first one. She heard it, but he ignored it. “Can I get your number?” he asked.
“You don’t have that?” she asked. “I thought it was in the report.”
Shit. Yeah, it was. “But you didn’t give it to me,” he said. “Though I’ve been in your house and have eaten your cookies. I figured I should be more formal. Maybe you’re seeing someone.”
“I’m not,” she said. “And since you had it and could have used it and didn’t, I can appreciate that honesty.”
He wasn’t going to comment on that. He thought he was the only one that didn’t trust people, but maybe he was wrong.
“I should get going so I’m not late. But if you aren’t interested in a date, then I can take no easily enough.”
“I’m interested,” she said. He pulled his phone out and she rattled off her number.
He sent her a quick text. “There is mine. I know next weekend is Christmas. I’m sure you’ve got plans.”
“With my family, there are always plans. But I happen to be free on Friday night,” she said. “Saturday is a bust. I’ll be at my aunt’s and then my parents’ on Sunday. Probably back to my aunt’s on Sunday too unless I can get out of it.”
He didn’t address that. “I’ll be at my grandparents' Sunday. Saturday, I’ll stop at James’s house for a few hours.”
“Your partner?” she asked.
“Yes. His wife has a party for people to come in and out throughout the day. Or at night. She likes to get to know the men on the force.”
“That’s interesting,” she said.
He knew that sound and look. At first he thought it was odd too. Like why did Sondra have to know him and some of the other men in blue? Was she looking to step out like his mother did?
But nope. Sondra wanted to get close to the other wives. She wanted to make sure any of James’s coworkers could come to her if something happened to her husband. The wives had a nice bond like the men in blue too.
“Long story,” he said. “But she’s a sweetheart. Anyway, Friday works for me. I’ll reach out soon and we’ll figure it out.”
“Sounds good to me,” she said. “Come on, Fred. Time for hot chocolate and a treat.”
That sounded good to him, but he took off for his car and then ran home to shower and drove to his grandparents'.
He wasn’t sure why he had to stop over when he’d be here next week, but she asked and he wouldn’t say no. Not when they helped raise him for years when his mother was out of the picture.
“There is my boy,” Marci Brennan said when he walked in.
He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Hi, Grandma. You said there was something you needed me to do?”
“There are some special Christmas ornaments I’d like out for next Sunday and Grandpa shouldn’t be climbing the ladder.” She whispered the last words. “And you know your father struggles still to bend his leg enough to get up and down a ladder.”