Page 20 of Fierce: Sawyer
She laughed. “I’ll be sure to tell Aunt Jolene that if the time comes.”
Put Me In My Place
“Do you want to come back to my place for a drink?” Faith asked Sawyer when they were putting their jackets on. She didn’t want the date to end, but she knew the restaurant was trying to turn the tables over and since she knew all about how that worked, she wasn’t going to be one of those people who stayed there all night.
“Sure,” he said. “Then I can give Fred my leftovers.”
“It’s for him?” she asked.
Talk about super sweet.
“I asked for a doggie bag. I would have said a container if it was for me.”
“I guess,” she said. “He loves steak and the bone will send him over the moon. You’ve already won him over though.”
“This isn’t winning him over,” he said. “It’s giving him a treat for letting you out on a date tonight.”
Faith giggled again. She laughed a lot tonight. Different kinds of laughter too. He probably thought she was a lunatic.
“I’m sure he is on the couch curled into a blanket right now.”
“Sounds like a good place to be,” he said.
They walked to their cars and then drove to her house. She didn’t ask if he remembered where she lived. She was pretty sure he did.
When they got to her place fifteen minutes later, he parked next to her. They were only about eight miles from downtown, but the traffic took up more of the time.
He got out with the doggie bag and followed her to the front door. “Where do you live?” she asked. “You said downtown, yet you jog at the park only a mile from here.”
It was a nice ten-minute walk for Fred to get there, then a good run, then walk home. Stopping for a hot chocolate always made her feel good and was kind of a splurge.
“I’m only about five miles from here,” he said. “Not that bad. Let’s say about three to four miles from the park or so. I could run there, but it’s easier to drive there. I never know when I’m going to get called out and having to run home doesn’t make sense. I can do a few laps around the park just as well and not worry about cars and sidewalks.”
“There are people all over the park,” she said, unlocking the door.
Fred was there to meet her, then started to dance in his spot when he saw Sawyer. She was almost jealous of that reaction.
“Hey, Fred,” Sawyer said. “I’ve got something for you.”
She took the bag out of his hand before Fred decided to snatch it and run off. He’d been known to do that a time or two.
“Let me get your food for you, Fred.”
Sawyer followed her to the kitchen, she fixed Fred’s food and set it down, the steak cut up and added. The bone would be when he was done.
“He’s so polite about it,” he said.
“Yeah. He’s a good dog. Do you want a beer? I’d offer you coffee, but it’d be a lie. I don’t drink it. Tea or hot chocolate. I ran out of the coffee pods I keep here for family. I guess I wasn’t thinking I’d have you back here.”
Stupid on her part when she thought of everything, but she wasn’t known to bring a guy back to her place this soon.
“How can you not drink coffee?” he asked, looking appalled. She couldn’t help but smirk.
“I never developed a taste for it,” she said. “But I do have Fierce beer. It’s a given it’s in my house at all times. I never know when my brother or father will show up.”
“I’ll take a beer,” he said.