Page 23 of Fierce: Sawyer
It’s not like Faith was home and he could go spend some time with her. She was at her aunt’s right now.
He was still shocked he’d said as much as he had about his life last night but knew he had no choice. The last thing he wanted was for her to hear it from someone other than out of his mouth.
He could see the sympathy in her eyes and didn’t want that either.
The fact she made the first move toward kissing him helped push it from his mind. Fred joining them on the couch hadn’t though.
He’d finished his beer and left shortly after. As first dates went, it couldn’t have gone any better and they were going to try to get together on Monday since they both had it off. She said she’d be at her aunt’s again on Christmas afternoon. He’d be at his grandparents too.
Funny they would be so close but yet far away.
“You said five. It’s five,” he said. “I’m one of the first ones here too.”
“Leave Sawyer alone,” Sondra said, coming forward and handing him a beer and pulling him toward the table of snacks. She always felt she had to feed him.
“That’s right,” Sawyer said. “Leave me alone. Don’t be jealous your wife wants to wait on me.”
Sondra slapped his arm. “I don’t wait on any man. Don’t you forget it.”
He laughed and kissed her cheek. He knew she’d have that reaction and that was why he said it.
“My bad. If they could clone you, I’d be the happiest man out there.”
“You’ve got a smooth mouth on you,” Sondra said. “But we know you don’t mean it. You need your own woman. Now if you’d let me set you up.”
“No,” he said. “I don’t need any help there. It feels like everyone wants to set me up.”
“Is your grandmother still working it?” James asked.
He’d told James about his grandmother over the years. He’d even mentioned the Fierces too. It was the last thing he wanted to bring up now.
At some point he was sure it’d come out in one of the long conversations where he’d have to stop James from talking by buying him some food.
“She’ll never stop,” he said. “And you’ve got more houseguests.”
“I do,” James said, moving off. Many more were coming in and talking to him. For once he was hoping this night would go by.
He had another plate of snacks when Ellen came over. She was a rookie but had been helping them out on a few things and all but invited herself to this party. She was probably late twenties and always sought him out to chat.
“Hi, Sawyer,” Ellen said.
“Hey, Ellen. How are you doing?”
“Good,” Ellen said. “I wasn’t sure if you’d be here or not.”
He found that statement stupid since she’d walked over more than once and heard him and James talking about this party.
“I wouldn’t dare miss it. Sondra would have my head.”
Ellen laughed and flung her blonde hair back. It was down and around her shoulders, but on the job it was tied back. She was a little manly in her stature. She was probably five foot nine and had a sturdy body on her. She didn’t wear a lot of makeup, she wasn’t girly.
She wasn’t Faith.
He didn’t know the last time he’d done that. Compared one woman to the next, but even before Faith, Ellen didn’t turn him on.
He didn’t like that she couldn’t take the hint he wasn’t interested or flirting back. Most times he just ended the conversations or walked away if he could.
Her hand went to his arm. “I heard a lot of the wives have a nice bond. That they hang out together. It’s hard to fit in.”