Page 28 of Fierce: Sawyer
“That’s right,” her aunt said. She swore her aunt could hear everything regardless of where she was in the house. “Don’t you forget that. When you’re ready I know the perfect man for you.”
“Don’t keep us in suspense,” Cade said. “Let Faith know who you think is so perfect for her.”
“Why?” Aunt Jolene said. “So she can find all the faults in him?”
“Maybe I won’t find any faults,” she said, grinning. It’d give her aunt hope to wind her up and then she’d walk away like she always did.
“I don’t think Faith is interested in someone like Sawyer,” Uncle Gavin said. “Jolene, turn your attention to someone else.”
Holy shit. No way.
Talk about something being funny. But she wasn’t going to ask who Sawyer was. She wasn’t going to be interested at all. Not even ask who they were talking about.
If she did, her aunt would think she was willing and she wasn’t.
Not willing to be set up, but was totally interested in the man she found on her own.
“I think I’m going to go talk to Devin and Hope,” Faith said, moving toward her other cousin and his wife. She heard laughter when she said that and knew she handled it well.
Hours later she was home and couldn’t take it anymore. She picked up her phone and called her mother.
“What’s going on, Faith?” her mother asked.
“That is what I want to know,” she said. “Has Aunt Jolene said anything to you about someone named Sawyer?”
“No,” her mother said. “Why?”
She told her mother what her uncle had said. “They think they are so clever, but I’ve figured out what is going on.”
“Your aunt always thinks she’s clever, but she is found out sooner or later. What did you figure out?”
“She’s being more annoying than normal just like Uncle Gavin said she was going to be. Then he was acting like he had my back and was in my corner.”
Her mother laughed. “That’s a new one. Maybe they are getting desperate. Or it’s possible that your uncle is in your corner. Who is this Sawyer guy?”
“They didn’t say,” she said. “And I didn’t ask. If I did they’d think I was interested. I’m not interested in them setting me up.”
“If you think they are playing that game,” her mother said, “all I can tell you is to stand firm. You’ve never had a problem with it before.”
“Nope,” she said. “And I’m going to again. I’ll find someone when I’m ready.”
“Just remember that all your cousins have said the same thing and look where they are now.”
She didn’t like hearing that either.
But she was determined to keep this quiet and do it on her own. At least to start.
She hung up with her mother and then turned to her dog.
“What do you think, Fred? Can we do this on our own?” Fred barked at her. “Yeah, I think you miss Sawyer, huh? Now you just have to decide if you’re going to let us touch. You better not be blocking me when I’ve got Aunt Jolene trying to set me up. Don’t be the one to make this harder than it is.”
Fred barked at her again and she decided to let it go.
The last thing she needed to be was the crazy dog lady that many thought she was.
A Simple Man