Page 35 of Fierce: Sawyer
“What does that mean?” she asked. She opened the oven and turned their lunch to cook on the other side and it smelled great. Fred was lying in the living room now almost sucking on the toy as if it was a pacifier.
Sawyer wondered if he’d look like a fool if he pulled his phone out and snapped a pic.
Oh screw it, he had to do it. It was just too hilarious not to.
Faith popped up and caught him doing it. “Sorry,” he said. “I couldn’t resist.”
“Don’t be sorry. Just send it to me. I won’t embarrass myself and admit how many pictures of Fred are on my phone. You’d think I’m nuts if you knew.”
He wouldn’t. He’d come to realize that Fred was like her child and he saw how many pictures James had on his phone of his kids.
“I don’t think so,” he said. “But you asked about my grandparents and your aunt and uncle. I found out over the weekend that my grandmother used to help your aunt when The Five were babies.”
“Oh,” she said. “I remember now. Your grandmother was a teacher, right?”
“She was,” he said. “She’d retired the year your cousins were born. She'd go over almost daily to help with feeding or changing or even watching them so your aunt could nap.”
“My mother and father would go over and help too. And my other aunt and uncle. I mean it was before my time, but early on it was hard on them having the five kids to deal with. My mother said once the kids started to feed themselves it was easier. But then when they started to walk, it was total chaos.”
“You know your cousins well,” he said.
“Oh yeah,” she said. “Cade was a terror. Mason and Aiden were pretty good. I mean they beat on each other now and again, but it was Brody and Cade that were the two that made the most noise. My aunt is smart and she figured them all out fairly quickly.”
“And that is why she thinks she can set everyone up,” he said. “Including me. Not sure when this all came about. My grandparents have been making noises for years about me finding someone and settling down. My father is now doing it more than normal and as much as it pains me, I think if your uncle is in on this, then my father and grandfather are too.”
“That is what I’m thinking. My uncle was just being too sly. And he is the one that set up Ella. It started with him more without anyone knowing. I’ve always been close to him too.”
“Close enough that he’d take an active interest in this?” he asked.
He supposed he should feel honored that they thought he was good enough for their family member but then remembered she’d said how her uncle commented on her not getting along with Sawyer. So maybe he was looking at this all wrong.
It could be Jolene had him in mind and Gavin was saying no way.
Sawyer tried to hold back the snort when that popped into his mind. Guess he didn’t though.
“Why did you make that sound?” she asked, pulling their lunches out. They looked golden brown and smelled fabulous.
“Maybe your uncle isn’t thinking of me and it’s just your aunt,” he said. “You said your uncle commented on you not being a good fit. Or me not for you. Whatever you said.”
“Reverse psychology,” she said. “They do it all the time. Trust me. They threw your name out there for me to just latch onto and ask something. I didn’t.”
“And what do you think the next step is going to be because you didn’t?”
“I’m not sure. But if you don’t take offense to this, I propose that we keep this thing we have between us for now.”
He laughed. Her hand was moving back and forth between them. “What thing is it we’ve got?”
She moved closer to him. Got right into his personal space and put her arms around his neck. Her mouth got close to his and he knew she was trying to pick up where they left off before.
He wasn’t going to disappoint her either because he hadn’t been able to think of anything else since Fred interrupted them.
Her lips were softly moving across his, his tongue coming out and teasing between hers, then slipping in, the two of them necking like teenagers, and he was doing his best to keep his hands where they were.
Maybe if Fred thought Faith was the one making the move, he wouldn’t have a problem with it this time.
He was wrong. Fred barked once, but Faith wasn’t stopping and neither was he.
What happened next though had them both laughing hysterically.