Page 51 of Fierce: Sawyer
“True,” he said. He clipped the leash. “Lock up.”
She locked the door and the two of them took off for the park walking.
They were a few blocks in and Fred was staying right by his side. He didn’t need the leash, but he should be on one anyway.
Never in his life did he feel like he was in a real relationship. Not like a couple.
As short as this was, it felt the best he’d ever had something feel.
He was going to do his damnedest to hang on to it and try not to mess it up too much.
They were back at her place an hour later, after stopping for hot chocolate for her, coffee for him, and then a treat for Fred. Seemed Faith liked a peanut butter scone to share with her dog. He’d have to remember that.
“I’ve got coffee for you for the morning,” she said. “You won’t have to leave to get it.”
“I noticed your coffee maker,” he said. He figured she just had it there for guests.
“I make my tea and hot chocolate in it. Much easier. But I’ve had coffee here too. My family drinks it when they visit.”
“Oh,” he said. “So it wasn’t just for me?”
“It’s for anyone in my family, but for you tomorrow,” she said, smiling. “And that is saying something because I don’t normally extend myself that much this early.”
They got back to her place. “So,” he said. “When do we want to try to see how Fred is going to react?”
“Right now,” she said. “He’s tired out and I think it’s a good idea. Plus I want to get you naked again. Let’s wait until he lies down on his bed or the couch.”
“I’ll go put my stuff away if you’re okay with that. Or do you need to show me where your room is?”
“No,” she said. “It might be best if you go up there alone. I’m at the end of the hall. Not hard to find. The other rooms are an office and a spare room. The doors are open.”
He walked up the stairs while Faith was giving Fred a treat. Her room was a decent size with a king sized bed. That was a nice perk, but he figured she needed it with Fred.
Her room was decorated well. Soft almost. The downstairs was neutral colors and artwork. Nothing fussy, but it was cozy and comfortable.
The bedroom was different. The walls a soft light green, the bedspread almost like a light toasted marshmallow in his eyes with the same green on the border.
There was some art on the walls. He left his bag on the floor for now. No reason to open drawers if he didn’t have to. He could live out of the bag.
He took his toothbrush and deodorant out of the bag and went to her bathroom. It was the same shades of light green. The vanity was cream and that soft tan again, the shower tiles close too.
Matching and modern. Nothing at all like his place.
“No problem finding anything?” she asked from the doorway.
“No,” he said. “It’s nice up here. Fred downstairs?”
“He is. He’s chewing on a bone on his bed. I came up with the laundry basket. It’s the one thing I wish was different about this place. That it was on this floor, but it’s not. He probably thinks I’m putting clothes away.”
He didn’t see it in her arms and assumed she just put it down.
“I’m not sure if this feels sneaky or is funny that we are doing this around your dog.”
“A little bit of both,” she said, opening her arms. “Come here.”
He moved forward because he had to touch her again. He had to taste her some more.
He thought he’d sleep like a baby after she left last night, but instead he lay there wishing she were next to him.