Page 65 of Fierce: Sawyer
“But if I did know her better, you’d go on a date with her?” his grandmother asked.
He couldn’t resist this. He had to do it and he’d apologize to Faith later on. “Yes. If you met her and you liked her. Ask her some questions and see if she’d have anything in common with me, then I’ll consider the possibility.”
“No possibility,” his grandfather said. “If we make this move and this woman comes here and talks to us the least you can do is go on a date with her.”
Shit. They hadn’t said Faith’s name. What if it was someone else? Then how would he get out of it?
“It depends,” he said.
“On what?” his grandmother said. He’d never seen them get this desperate of a look in their eyes before.
“On what her name is,” he said. “Maybe it’s something silly that will make me laugh. You can’t ask me to go on a date with a woman whose name is made up or rhymes.”
His grandparents looked at each other as if they couldn’t believe he was saying this. He was shocked it came out of his mouth too.
“Seriously?” his grandfather asked.
“Yep,” he said, grinning.
“Her name is Faith,” his grandmother said. “A very pretty name. It doesn’t rhyme with her last name.”
“Sounds like a good name to me. If you can get her here to meet you, then sure. I’ll go on a date.”
* * *
“You did what?”Faith said to him an hour later. She’d forgotten she had the holiday off and when Sawyer texted her earlier that he was just leaving his grandparent Longs’ house and heading to his grandparent Brennans’ house, she’d told him she was home if he wanted to stop over at some point.
The last thing she expected was him to tell her what he’d said to his grandparents an hour ago though.
“I couldn’t help it,” he said.
“It’s easy for you to say, but now I’m going to have to meet them and play along.”
“I want you to meet them anyway,” he said. “I got thinking this worked out well. You said your parents know about me. Don’t you want me to meet your family at some point?”
“I wouldn’t mind that,” she said. “But not until my aunt knows. She’s sneaky enough to get things out of my father. It’s better to keep him out of it so he can’t spill anymore.”
“Maybe things will move faster now.”
“If they can figure out a way to get me to your grandparents,” she said. “My aunt is bold enough to just ask me, but she has to know I’ll say no. I guess it will be funny to think of how they will get this accomplished.”
“Should we take bets?” he asked.
“I can’t believe we are even thinking along these lines, but why not? I’m going to say that my Uncle Gavin is going to try to guilt me into something somehow but not sure how or if it will work.”
“My guess is you will go to their house and my grandparents will just show up like it’s a surprise,” he said.
“That’s a sucker bet. That is totally going to happen,” she said. “There is no way I would agree to just go to some stranger’s house to talk to them about their grandson that I don’t know anything about.”
“But you do know me,” he said, reaching for her. “You know me well. You’ve touched and tasted a lot of me too.”
She slapped his hand away, giggling. “They don’t know that though.”
“How about this?” he asked. “We make a bet on how long it takes your aunt or uncle to ask you to do this.”
“Now that we can bet on,” she said. “I say within forty-eight hours.”
“No,” he said. “A week. Forty-eight hours is too fast for my grandparents to work,” he said.