Page 71 of Fierce: Sawyer
“And you are lumping others together which I didn’t expect either,” he said.
“I’m not making much sense. I get it. I love my job. I think it was just exciting to do what I did with you. And as for my coworkers, some can be mean, but I brush it off, even if others can’t so well.”
“I think that is just part of life,” he said.
“It is. And dinner is almost done. I told you it was easy.”
She’d made panini sandwiches and there was potato salad to go with it. Not even one with mayo in it but bacon and almost like oil or something.
He stuck his finger in to taste a piece of the salad and she slapped his hand after he snagged some.
“Sorry. I just wanted to try it before I put it on my plate.”
“There isn’t anything in it that you won’t eat,” she said.
He popped it in his mouth. “You’re right. This is good. And those sandwiches look awesome too. You’re a woman of many talents.”
“I am,” she said. “My brother gave me this panini press for Christmas. It still won’t be as good as his but better than a regular sandwich too. And he gave me some recipes to try this weekend. One is for soup and the other is more like a hearty stew-type thing.”
Sawyer laughed at her. “You’ll be watching that cook all afternoon.”
“I will be,” she said. “Got to stay busy so it wasn’t a lie to my aunt.”
“What’s the next step?” he asked. “This situation with your family? I’d like to let James know next week when I see him. You said you’re good with it. I don’t think there is anything to worry about in terms of telling anyone. But the more that know the easier it is to be found out.”
“My parents know,” she said. “My father isn’t good at secrets. He is keeping his distance from my aunt. I want to see what her next course of action is going to be. If she can figure out a way to get me to meet your grandmother, then it’s up to you.”
“Unless she doesn’t like you,” he said. Her jaw dropped and he burst out laughing. “I’m only kidding.”
“You better be,” she said. “Or Fred gets your dinner.”
She was reaching for his plate, but he snagged it out of the way. In the process two pieces of potato fell to the floor, Fred scooping it up fast.
“He can have his own,” he said. “I only share so much.”
Which was funny coming out of his mouth because he never cared about sharing anything in life. Nor did he think he’d be looking forward to getting out of work and having home-cooked meals with Faith.
Just about a month of dating and here he was wanting more than what he had and he’d never thought that was possible.
The problem was, he couldn’t admit it to anyone.
Going To Be Stuck
“Faith. Faith.” There was a tap on her shoulder and she all but jumped out of her skin.
“Sorry,” Jennifer said. “I called your name twice.”
“I heard you. But I was doing something.”
It was always annoying when some of her coworkers interrupted even though she’d told them before there were times she couldn’t stop what she was doing.
“You couldn’t have let me know you were doing something?” Jennifer asked. “You’re almost as bad as Lonnie getting lost in your work. Nothing can be that important that you can’t look up or answer when your name is called.”
“Sometimes you call my name to give me some gossip,” she said, grinning. “I was doing work.”