Page 77 of Fierce: Sawyer
There James went again with his ex. That was four years ago and he didn’t need it brought up now when he hadn’t thought of her in all that time.
He didn’t believe it was holding him back from being in a relationship any more than his mother’s actions caused him to be in other people’s minds.
“Not likely,” he said again. “But I told my grandmother if she met Faith and liked her, then I’d consider a date.”
“That’s just cruel,” James said, shaking his head with a grin. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“It’s been cruel that they’ve been riding my ass for years. My father has been doing it too. I think they recruited him. If I have to hear one more time about finding a soulmate I’m going to lose my shit. I don’t need a woman in my life to complete me.”
“Oh, my God. I can’t believe those words came out of your mouth. Just like a chick flick. A woman to complete you.” James was roaring with laughter next to him.
“Don’t be a dick. Just because Sondra controls yours,” he said, laughing.
“And I love every minute of it. If you find the right woman you will too.”
He wasn’t so sure of that. He never was going to be controlled by anyone in his life. Woman or not.
He was his own man and would always be that way.
“I doubt it,” he said. “But I knew there was no way Faith was going to meet my grandmother that simply. She wouldn’t fall for it. Her aunt didn’t waste any time trying to get her to the house, but Faith wasn’t going. Last week though, they managed to get us.”
“Oh really?” James asked, smirking. “Do tell me what your grandmother did to best you.”
“Not funny,” he said. “It was Faith that got it. Her aunt showed up at the hospital during Faith’s lunch hour. My grandmother was with her. They cornered her to have lunch and Faith isn’t the type to be rude. So she had lunch with my grandmother.”
“That’s actually brilliant,” James said.
It kind of was, but he wasn’t admitting it.
“Within ten minutes after lunch, my grandmother was calling me to give me the good news and then texted me Faith’s information.”
“And did you set your date up with her yet?” James asked.
He looked over at the grin on his partner’s face. “No. I don’t need to set up a date with the woman I’m dating.”
“Oh yes, you do,” James said. “If you don’t want to lie to your grandmother any more than you are.”
“I’m not lying to her now,” he argued. “I don’t do that.”
“You’re not giving all the facts either,” James said.
“I’m sure they will all come out in the end at some point. But for now, you got more out of me than I thought you would. You get the choice of the music for the next two hours.”
“I’ll take it,” James said. “It was a nice victory this morning. Now I’ll eat this last donut and chill until we catch our killer. With the way your luck is going, we’ll get this collar too.”
He hoped so though he’d never considered himself lucky before.
Raw End
“You know you owe me a date,” Faith said to Sawyer the next day.
She knew he was out of town all day yesterday and she’d found out last night that they’d solved their case and brought back their suspect from Knoxville.
She wanted to pat herself on the back for her part in it. He even gave her credit and confessed to his partner that she helped. Then Sawyer told James to keep his lips sealed about their relationship.
She didn’t have a problem with that, but the more that knew, the better chance of her aunt finding out.