Page 8 of Fierce: Sawyer
Faith laughed again and Sawyer had to agree. “Fred,” he said, “caught up with the perp, brought him to the ground and then stood over guarding him until I arrived and secured him in place, calling in backup.”
“Standing guard,” Faith said. “That’s him.”
“Ms. O’Malley said Fred was barking and growling and she was terrified Fred was going to attack and she’d be left with a lawsuit.”
He looked over at Faith and saw her flush. “It didn’t happen so don’t worry.”
“I know,” she said. “It was a moment in time. I normally only worry about what is actually going on and not what could have. But in that moment, it could have happened and I was praying it wouldn’t.”
“It’s refreshing to meet someone else like that,” he said.
She seemed surprised by his words, but he finished up giving his statement rather than addressing the fact he’d said to her what he had.
Twenty minutes later, Sawyer was driving her back home and dropping her off without much more than a goodbye.
He drove home and jumped in the shower, thankful the aspirin took the edge off his headache. But now he was both hot and sweaty and probably stunk on top of it.
Maybe he should have let Faith drive herself to the station and he could have come home to change and shower himself. But he didn’t want to put it off either.
He was towel drying his hair when his phone went off and he picked it up to see James sending him a meme of a dog barking at a jogger.
He was going to get his ass ridden over this for a long time.
He tossed his phone on the counter only to hear it go off again. If it was James he was going to send him one back of a middle finger.
Instead it was his father asking if they were still on tonight for dinner and a drink.
Shit, he’d forgotten.
He wanted to say no, but then he didn’t see his father much anymore and wasn’t about to cancel.
He replied yes and that he’d see him later tonight.
For the rest of the day, he did the chores that never seemed to get done in his apartment and then decided to clean more than he normally did after he trimmed his beard up to look more like it was just a day old or so. He’d shave it off completely in a few days he was sure, but it was nice not caring much during his vacation.
Maybe it was having Faith see how dirty his SUV was that made him realize that sometimes he was lazy and let things around him go.
It’s not as if he was messy personally. His house didn’t stink; there weren’t sticky surfaces or stains on the counters.
It was just more cluttered than anything.
A little bit of elbow grease had the bathroom smelling lemon fresh, then his kitchen too.
More than a little bit when he realized hours later he was sweating his ass off again.
Guess he got his workout in after all.
He had lunch and then sat down to watch some college football until his father showed up.
When the doorbell rang, he got up to get it. “Hey, Dad.”
“Sawyer. Thanks for taking the time to go out tonight. It’s been a while.”
“Sorry about that,” he said. “Work has been busy.”
He hadn’t agreed with a lot of decisions his father made in life, but when they made the move to Charlotte when he was sixteen so his father could take a better job hauling gas during the day rather than being gone on long road trips, he was thrilled.
It allowed him to be close to his grandparents, who he didn’t mind staying with when he needed to. Or them being available when his father was on the road from six in the morning until five at night.