Page 82 of Fierce: Sawyer
“We will. It’d be nice to catch the guy before he does it again.”
“If it happens tonight, do you have to go in? Will they call you and James?”
“They will call us,” he said. “I’m hoping it doesn’t. Not on the weekend. There would be too many people around. It seems they like to strike during the day when people are at work or kids in school.”
At least he was banking on that, but if he got called he’d have to go. Though he was pretty sure James would cover for him because his partner knew tonight was the date.
“Then let’s hope for a quiet night,” she said.
“Tell me about work for you,” he said. “You never talk much about it.”
“Not much to say,” she said. “You know what I do. It’s not like I’ve got faces with what I’m testing or analyzing. But my cousin’s wife had her baby this week.”
“Really?” he asked. “Devin and Hope, right? A little girl? What did they name her?”
“They named her Haylee. My aunt has been a little preoccupied there. Both aunts actually, but I meant my Aunt Jolene. Devin was the first of the cousins outside her own kids that Jolene set up. She’s like a proud peacock strutting around.”
“So she hasn’t bugged you any more about our date?” he asked.
“No. I ignored her and she didn’t ask again. She probably found out from your grandmother.”
“I don’t know that they see each other daily so maybe not. But my grandmother knows we are having the date this weekend, so I guarantee I’ll hear from her by Monday at the latest for an update.”
“Which means I’ll hear from my aunt too. And since my parents know I’m dating you but no one else does, I’ll have to keep them up to date on this date. My father will want to meet you at some point if you’re willing. Doesn’t have to be soon. I’m not trying to pressure you.”
“No pressure,” he said. “You did meet my grandmother so it’s the least I can do.”
“And you had two cancellations in a row,” she said smirking. “So you need to stay on my good side.”
He squinted one eye at her but didn’t say anything as their meals were delivered at that time.
An hour later, they were walking back into her house, Fred sitting by the front door, and he let out a bark as if he knew there was food for him.
“I’ve got your dinner, Fred,” Sawyer said, holding up the bag in his hand.
“I think you only get steak out now so that you can bring back something for my dog,” she said.
“It’s not like you were going to give him any of your dinner,” he said. “He needs something for letting me take you on a first date.”
“Ahh,” she said. “So I can tell everyone you bribed my dog with meat to get in the house.”
“It’s not a lie,” he said. She took her jacket off and when she turned around and started to walk to the kitchen, he got a good look at her ass in the fitted dress. “Are you wearing underwear?”
“Of course I am,” she said. “You don’t think I’d go out in public commando, do you?”
She was smiling at him. “I’m not sure. You’ve shocked me before.”
“That’s a good thing,” she said. “It’s to keep you on your toes.”
Fred was eating his dinner now so Sawyer took the time to pull Faith into his arms, his hands going right to her ass to feel around.
Oh yeah, nothing covering her so she had to have a thong on.
His mouth went to her neck, his lips grazing. “Do we have to wait for Fred to finish his dinner or can we sneak away upstairs?”
“Let’s sneak away,” she said.
She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the stairs at the front of her place, and up they went as fast as she could in her fitted dress.