Page 85 of Fierce: Sawyer
And he’d make sure they all knew that someday too. For now it didn’t matter though. He’d known Faith for about two months; they’d been dating for a little over six weeks. In his grandmother’s eyes, it was going to be one week.
“Your grandmother is set in her ways,” his grandfather said.
His grandmother sent one of those looks to his grandfather that said he might pay for that later. “Your grandfather and I only want to see you happy.”
“Am I late to this party?”
He turned to see his father coming in the door. He hadn’t known his father would be here but guessed it was the best way to get this all out at once. It just proved again to him they were all in on this.
“Sawyer just showed up,” his grandmother said. “Can I get you both a beer?”
“I’ll get it,” he said, going to the kitchen. He grabbed three Fierce beers and poured them into glasses. He knew his grandfather would take one too.
“Thanks,” his father said.
“Well,” his grandfather said. “What’s the news?”
“What news?” his father asked.
“Grandma set me up on a date with Jolene’s niece.”
“I didn’t set you up on a date,” his grandmother argued. “I asked if you’d be willing to meet her. Then you said I had to meet her first. I remember this whole conversation clearly despite my age.”
“I remember,” he said. His grandmother often said that to him.
“So you went on a date?” his father asked. “When did you meet this woman, Mom?”
His grandmother told his father what happened. “I told Sawyer he had to ask Faith out after that.”
“Yeah, because you put them both on the spot,” his father said.
His father was playing this up too much in his mind. “We went out last Saturday night,” Sawyer said.
“How did it go?” his grandmother asked.
“It went well,” he said.
“That’s it?” his grandfather asked when he didn’t say anything else. “Just well?”
“What more do you want me to say?”
“Have you talked to her since?” his father asked.
“Yes,” he said. “Thanks, Grandma.”
His grandmother had just put a plate out with some cheese, crackers and meats and he was helping himself to them. His back was to everyone in the room, but he could sense they were waving hands and talking silently. There was enough tension to it too that he wanted to stay this way and let them have that moment while he held his grin in.
“You’re welcome,” his grandmother said. “I knew you’d get along.”
He turned with some food on a plate. “I meant thanks for the food.”
His grandmother’s smile fell. “Oh. What about Faith? You said you’ve talked since?”
“We have,” he said.
“Do you plan on going on any more dates?” his grandfather asked.
He lifted an eyebrow. “Wow. You guys don’t normally ask this many questions about anyone I’m dating.”