Page 89 of Fierce: Sawyer
“Just me and Fred. I bought soup and a sandwich. Really only one dinner. Aunt Jolene was there.”
“Of course she was,” her mother said. “Isn’t she always there when you don’t want her to be? Did she ask how that one date went with Sawyer?”
“She did. I could only avoid her for so long and the time was up.”
“What did you tell her?” her mother asked.
“I couldn’t lie. I told her we had the date and then two more. She asked if we were having another and I said yes, but that was it. End of story.”
“I can’t believe your aunt let you get away with that little information.”
“She was like the road runner ready to take off so that is the only reason it worked out that way.”
Her mother laughed. “I can picture that in my head. I’m sure I’ll hear from her tonight too.”
“That is my guess. That is why I’m telling you as I drive home.”
“Do you have plans with Sawyer tomorrow?” her mother asked.
“Yes. I’m going to make dinner for him and he’s staying the night. Remember. We’ve only been dating a week if Aunt Jolene asks. You can rub her face in the fact you knew that much.”
“You know I’m going to,” her mother said. “When do I get to meet him? Your father will want to too.”
“I suppose,” she said. “I’ll check with him. You know his other grandfather is having surgery in less than two weeks. He’s going to be busy on the weekends, and during the week it’s hard to make plans with him. He cancels or is late a lot.”
“Does that bother you?” her mother asked.
“No. I understand.”
“Faith, I’m shocked to hear that. You’re all about everything that has to be done at the right time and in its place or order.”
“I’m not as structured as you think I am,” she said. Her mother laughed. “I mean I am in my life. But that is Sawyer’s life.”
“His life is part of yours by the sounds of it,” her mother said.
“Maybe I’m learning the art of compromise.”
Even if she was trying not to be bothered that she offered to have Sawyer leave clothes at her house and he hadn’t yet. She knew there were things you couldn’t push and that was one of them.
Then she wondered why she would push it because she never had before.
It’d only been a few months anyway. Anything could happen in that short a period of time.
She just hoped it didn’t.
* * *
“Hello, Jolene,”Lynn said when she answered the phone thirty minutes later.
Jolene wanted to call her sister-in-law right away and tell her what she’d found out but decided to wait until she got home and could fill Gavin in. She’d call Marci when she was done with Lynn.
“I just saw Faith,” she said. “She was picking up dinner at the pub on her way home from work.”
“That’s nice,” Lynn said.
“Did you know she has had three dates with Sawyer?” she asked.
“I did,” Lynn said.