Page 99 of Fierce: Sawyer
“What?” he asked. “How? Did Dad tell you?”
“No,” his grandmother said. “Marci did.”
“You talk to my other grandmother?” he asked. This was news to him.
“Not often. Maybe once a year or so. Just to check in on you if I haven’t heard from you or Sean. But in this case Marci reached out to me because of Curt. She wanted to know if there was anything they could do.”
He shouldn’t have been surprised by that. When he was a kid his grandparents talked all the time, he knew that. It was how they got updates on how he was doing and made arrangements for him on where to stay. It’s not like his father could do it a lot being on the road and he wasn’t about to talk to his mother.
“That was nice of them,” he said. “They’ve been asking about you and Grandpa. You know that.”
He had been relaying the messages when he talked to his grandparents in the past few weeks.
“I know. I don’t want to talk about them. I want to talk about Faith. I was hoping you’d bring it up, but I hear it’s pretty new.”
“Do you know how it came about?” he asked.
His grandmother grinned at him. A true grin. “Yes. Marci told me. I thought it was pretty bold of her, but if it’s working then it is. I guess the question is how you felt about what they were doing?”
He never talked badly about one grandparent to the next. That wasn’t him.
“It’s been annoying but going on for years. I just brush it off. In a moment of weakness, I threw it out there that she had to meet Faith first.”
“And you didn’t think it was going to happen, did you?”
“I knew it would,” he said. “Jolene Fierce was involved. It was just a matter of when.” That wasn’t a lie either.
“And you’ve dated for a few weeks. How do you feel about her? I want to think that since you brought her up, things are going well. But maybe it’s more to take my mind off of Grandpa?”
“A little of both,” he admitted. “But things are going well.”
“Good,” his grandmother said. “I know you feel you don’t have the best luck with women and that your mother soured you on them in general.”
He frowned. It was the last thing he wanted to talk about.
There was no way his grandmother knew about everyone he dated. He didn’t share those things and he didn’t think his father or other grandparents did either.
It’d been years since he’d been in a relationship and even then it wasn’t like it was more than a few months long.
He’d fallen for Genevieve and found out what a fool he was.
He didn’t let himself fall again after that.
Instead, he buried himself in his work. He dated on and off. He got some female companionship when he wanted it, but never let it be much more than that.
How Faith managed to become more was a mystery that he wasn’t going to try to solve. There was no reason for it when it was working.
They understood each other.
They had fun together.
Her dog was great and he enjoyed playing with Fred to help wipe away a bad day at work.
Maybe he should have gone into the K-9 unit and had a buddy home at night with him. Though police dogs weren’t the same as Fred.
They had to be trained and maintain strict rules.
Sleeping on the bed. Getting treats. Sitting on couches and barking when they aren’t happy isn’t what they did. Or should have done.