Page 56 of Falling For You
Boo. I actually have to help? Laughing, I take the carton, setting down my mug as Jimmy turns back to the stovetop, pulling pans from a drawer.
Placing the carton on the breakfast bar, I flip it open, trying to decide if I’m hungry enough for two eggs. My brain stutters, and I stare down at the inside of the carton, frowning. I’m pretty sure egg cartons don’t usually come with small velvet jewelry boxes in them.
Plucking it out, I turn to Jimmy, holding it up. He sets the bacon in the pan, a sizzle filling the air, and doesn’t look back at me.
“Uh, Jimmy. I think there was a mix-up with your eggs.”
“Oh, why’s that?” he asks, still focused on the bacon. I shake the box, but it doesn’t rattle.
“There was a box in there.”
He still hasn’t turned around. Shouldn’t he be surprised and want to know what the hell was in his eggs?
“What’s in the box?”
Ugh, he sounds completely unconcerned. Frowning, I flip open the box, my eyes moving to look. My breath hisses between my teeth as I stare at the gorgeous engagement ring. A large teardrop diamond, ringed with smaller diamonds, sits on a rose gold twisted band, with pearl accents on either side of the large diamond and smaller diamonds studded into one side of the twist.
Swallowing, I blink back tears, my eyes lifting to burn into Jimmy’s face. He has finally turned away from the stovetop, his eyes as bright as mine are as he raises his hand, plucking the box out of it.
“It’s an engagement ring,” I choke out. He grins, removing it from the box, which he drops onto the countertop behind him.
“I told you I wanted to marry you, babe,” he reminds me, snagging my left hand and holding it to his lips. “I’m hoping you might want to marry me too?”
A nervous giggle bubbles up my throat, bursting from my lips. Jimmy smiles against my hand, his eyebrows lifting. Oh, right. That was him asking.
“I do. I do want to marry you.”
His smile almost splits his face in two as Jimmy lowers my hand to slide the ring on, tugging me against him as his mouth closes on mine. My eyes flutter closed, and I snake my arms around his neck, losing myself in the kiss. Holy crap. We’re getting married!
“Do I still get breakfast cooked for me?” I ask against Jimmy’s lips. He laughs, breaking the kiss properly, stepping back, and slapping my ass as he turns back to the stove.
“Only if you get scrambling those eggs.”
With a goofy grin, I turn, plucking out four eggs and cracking them into the bowl Jimmy sets beside me. I’m whisking them with the fork when Jimmy’s arms slide around my waist, his face nuzzling into the side of my neck.
“I vote we live at your place.”
I mean… I love my place. I would love to live there, but I’m surprised he’s so okay with moving.
“You don’t want to live here?” I ask, my voice colored with surprise. Jimmy shakes his head, his short beard tickling my neck.
“There is a view of the water from every room of your place. We can only see it from the rooftop here. I know where I prefer.”
I mean… I’m not going to argue with that. This place is nice, but it’s very…masculine with its exposed brick and beams, super high ceilings, and industrial feel.
My eyes narrow. “Are you capitulating easily on this so you have something to hold over me?”
Jimmy turns but doesn’t bother putting on an innocent look, grinning widely instead.
“One hundred percent.”
I knew it. I can’t keep the suspicion out of my voice. “And what are you going to try to leverage?”
Jimmy scoffs. “What do you think, babe? You can work as long hours as you want, but it doesn’t come home with you. Our home is your sanctuary. You get that?”
My grin creeps over my face, and I laugh, handing him the bowl of eggs.
“I get it.”