Page 4 of Blaze
A rock slides under my foot, and I try to steady myself only to find, to my horror, that there’s only empty air waiting for me a step beyond. I’ve been too preoccupied with my plans to realize there’s a break in the path, or perhaps there was never a rock shelf here at all. I shriek, windmilling my arms in a desperate attempt to backpedal. It’s no use. I tip forward, gravity sucking me with deadly force toward open air. I squeeze my eyes shut on instinct, though I won’t see the end coming either way. I whisper a last, broken apology to my brother that he’ll never hear and—
A hand closes around my wrist, yanking me back onto the ledge. I overbalance, tipping into the arms of whoever just stopped me from tumbling to my death. His verysolid,verywarmarms. From the feel of his torso, I have no doubt a man saved me. Women aren’t this firm, this sculpted, and they don’t have a light smattering of hair leading from their navel down to... I quickly draw my hands back when I realize I’ve been running them down the torso of my rescuer. Gods and goddesses, he must think I’m some kind of pervert, groping him like this.
“I’m sorry!” I gasp, jerking away from him.
His hands close around my waist again, yanking me flush to his chest. He feels feverishly warm and lightly dewed with sweat. Clearly, he’s been sweating hard while giving chase. Or maybe he’s sick. The last time I felt anyone this warm, my brother was fighting off a pox that almost claimed his life. Only magic had kept him from being horrifically scarred. I’d been kept in the opposite wing of the house, just in case, but I’d occasionally sneak in to see if I could help him. I did manage to leach his fever one night, allowing him to sleep. Could this man also carry a pox?
“Don’t make any sudden movements,” the man says. His voice is husky and hits my ears like velvet. It’s the most incredible voice I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard some nice voices in my time. Hook and Quinn’s brogues are a treat to listen to if you ever get the chance. “The ground is treacherous here and it’s a fifty-foot drop to the bottom. You’d snap like kindling.”
I swallow thickly. The fall would have been worse than I feared. Thank the gods that someone had been here to help me. Though... I don’t know this man and, furthermore, I don’t know if he’s friend or foe. I don’t know how he came to be here, why I didn’t hear him approach, or who he pays allegiance to. I don’t try to yank out of his grip, but I do drop my arms to my sides, ready to call on my power if I need to.
“Who are you?” I ask. “How did you find me?”
His hand sweeps up to gently brush away a lock of hair from my forehead. It’s plastered to my skin with my own sweat. How long have I been running now?
“Your hair is distinctive,” he says with a chuckle. “Like fire in the darkness.”
“That answers nothing.”
Just saying.
He chuckles again. “I was looking for food and I saw red flash past my hiding place. You don’t look like one of Morningstar’s people, so I thought I’d save you from tumbling over the edge.”
“You live here?” I mean, I can’t see it, but I’m pretty sure this is like a shitbox of a place to live.
“For a few weeks.”
“Um... why?”
“Because I can’t find a way past the guards at the entrance, and they can’t find me in the deep passages. It guess you could say we’re at an impasse. They’re trying to starve me out, force me to come back.”
“Hmm. That seems like a good way.”
“Jokes on them. I’ve got a hiding place and I’m not going to starve to death. It’s not comfortable but it’ll do... for now anyway.”
He takes my hand and guides it to his throat. The cool metal contours are familiar, though I’ve never worn one myself. A manacle. Someone put a steel band around his neck. A single link dangles off the collar, settling in the hollow of his throat. No wonder he’s feverish. He probably hasn’t eaten or slept well in a month.
“How do I know you’re not going to kill me?” I ask, frowning.
He laughs again, and the sound tickles something deep inside me. I like his laugh.
“How about I make you a deal, Red? I won’t kill you if you don’t kill me. Deal?”
“My name is Blaze.”
“And mine is Ran.”
“Nice to meet you.”
There’s quiet for a few seconds. “So... Do we have a deal?”
I sigh. What choice do I have?
“We have a deal.”