Page 108 of Consumed By Deception (Deception Trilogy 3)
She pouts. “Because I’m a woman and my existence doesn’t matter?”
“Because you’re my wife and I’d rather die a thousand times over than put you in danger.”
I can tell she’s not convinced, but she doesn’t press the matter. However, she hesitates before she releases my arm.
Grabbing her cheeks with both hands, I turn her slightly and brush my lips against her temple. I’m well aware of the onlookers, just like earlier when we danced. They’re all shocked by how close I am to Lia tonight compared to all of the other gatherings. Damien and Kirill even asked me about the sudden change.
It’s simple.
I’m done treating my wife like a stranger when she’s always been the only person who mattered in a room full of people.
The only person I see.
I reluctantly release her and go to Sergei’s side. He’s been watching me, too, though he’s remained quiet about it.
After making sure Lia is in Yan’s direct view, I stop beside our Vor. “A word,Pakhan.”
“It’s of interest to you.” I stare at Vladimir who’s been observing me all night, no doubt waiting for me to slip up. “You, too.”
Kirill slides to our side with quiet steps and readjusts his glasses. “What about me?”
“Me, too.” Damien jumps in with less finesse. “Why does everyone leave me out?”
“Not today.” I motion at Kirill with a tilt of my head, and he thankfully takes the hint and drags a protesting Damien away.
Vladimir and I follow Sergei into his office while Igor, Mikhail, and even Lazlo and his men stare at us.
Actually, Lazlo’s attention is on me. I ignored him as much as possible the past week, and if I don’t do something about it, he’ll do things his way.
But I need to take care of my own before extending it to outsiders.
At soon as we’re in the office, Sergei sits in the lounge area and Vladimir and I join him.
“What is it?” ThePakhanleans on his fist. “I assume it has to do with the wife, whom you once mentioned means nothing?”
“Yes. There’s something about her you should know.”
“What, pray tell, might that be?”
“She’s Lazlo Luciano’s daughter.”
“What the fuck?” Vladimir says at the same time as Sergei.
The Vor straightens but doesn’t release his fist. “Is this a distasteful joke, Volkov?”
“No,Pakhan. In fact, she’s the reason Lazlo Luciano demanded to only work with me. I’m his son-in-law.”
“What is this insolence?” Sergei’s voice hardens. “You’ve been playing me for fool all along?”
“Then do you deny knowing who she was before you married her?” Vladimir asks.
“No. I knew since the beginning. Lazlo and Lia, however, found out only recently.”