Page 44 of Inking My Crush
I gasp, grabbing hold of his arm. I don’t mean to, and I know it’s probably not smart with Mom and Dad right there, but I can’t help it.
The L word made me do it, your honor.
“You heard me.” He turns quickly, causing his wild hair to fall across his forehead. “In love. I loved you as soon as I came home.”
And I’ve loved you for years, I almost say, but that probably wouldn’t be the best idea.
“I love you too,” I whisper instead.
This is seriously dangerous territory, depending on what Mom and Dad are about to say, but my worries drain away when I turn back to them. All the shame and doubt I felt those times I had to hide the notebooks quickly—a knock at the door, then a scuffle—and all the wondering if we could ever have a happily ever after.
It melts as I take in Mom and Dad’s smiles.
“That’s what I needed to hear,” Mom says. “That’s what I needed to see. This, you, the connection. Last night, I did a lot of thinking, and if you both mean it…”
“We do,” I say, getting too giddy, but I can’t help it. The happiness combines with the steam from last night, creating a glow that expands and touches every inch of me and my soul, glowing.
“Always,” Brian says.
“Then we want to give you our blessing,” Dad says.
For a long time, I can’t say anything.
I just stare at him, waiting for the punchline, but then, as the moments pass, I realize it’s not a joke. There’s no punchline.
“You mean it?” I whisper.
“Only if this is for real. Only if it’s forever. I know you, Brian. I know you’re a good man. If this was anybody else… However, I’ve seen you do the right thing over and over and over again. You served well. I know you hate it when people talk about your medals, but we both know you’re a hero.”
“I’m sorry we didn’t tell you right away,” Brian says, sounding like he’s getting choked up.
Dad leans over and claps Brian on the arm. “I understand. It’s a tricky situation all around. Do you really love her?”
“More than anything.” Brian’s voice shudders as he fights off the emotion. “I can’t imagine a life without her.”
“Now you won’t have to,” Mom says, “but Brian, I have to say this. If this doesn’t last—”
“It will,” I cut in.
Mom glances at me. “If it doesn’t—for the sake of argument—I’ll choose Evie.”
“I understand,” Brian says. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m glad my woman’s got such a supportive family.”
When he says my woman, and they don’t freak, I know it’s for real. I know the happily ever after is within reach.
“Roger, can I talk to you privately for a second?”
Dad nods and stands, and both men walk into the house.
“What’s that about?” I ask Mom.
She shrugs, but she’s got a telltale twitch at the corner of her mouth.
“Something tells me you know,” I murmur.
“It’s an educated guess.”
“So, spill it.”
She grins. “I don’t think you’ll want me to.”
I try to work out what it could be as we wait. They return a few minutes later, Dad staying at the door with a warm grin, looking at me with that unquestioning love I thought I might’ve lost forever.
Brian walks right up to me, takes my hands, and helps me to my feet. I stand with him and gaze into his eyes. Something magical is about to happen.
“The day after we met,” he says, “I bought an engagement ring.”
My heartbeat picks up, fluttering in my chest.
“I thought I might have to trash it if this didn’t work out, but now it has. I can’t wait any longer. I’ve spent my whole life wondering if I’d ever find my perfect woman, and now I have—you, Evie. You’re everything I ever want and ever need. You’re the only person I ever want to wake up next to. I have to do this now. You’re mine, and I need to make it official. I love you so, so much.”
When he kneels, I can’t stop the tears. How many times have I imagined this?
My crush, my Brian, kneeling and opening the ring box, showing me a large diamond glittering in a white-gold band.
“Evie Black,” he says, just how I always knew he would, with the same huskiness I dreamed of, “Will you marry me?”
I glance at Mom and Dad. He’s moved to the table, his hand on her shoulder, both of them smiling. Mom has tears in her eyes.
“Yes,” I whisper, then I’m yelling it. “Yes, yes, yes!”
Brian slides the ring onto my finger, then stands and sweeps me into his arms. He’s about to kiss me, then he pauses, looking at Mom and Dad. The emotion has overcome Mom. She’s got her hands clasped at her mouth, tears sliding down her cheeks.