Page 1 of Alton & Lavinia
I thought I knew what I wanted in life. When a wife I never asked for is thrust in my face, I balked. She’s not someone I would have selected for myself… She was not what I thought my ideal woman would be like or look like, but she is perfect for me. The more time I spend with her, the more I fall in love with her. I didn’t treat her right at first, but I am determined to worship her for the rest of our days. I can’t help but wonder what she tastes like as she screams my name. I messed up badly, but I will make it right.
My husband won’t touch me. He barely looks at me. He thinks I do not know, but I heard him. He does not want me. I’m not his type, whatever that means. While he is too… everything for me, I am determined to be the best wife I can be, even if it is in name only. He is a man of God, and I am but a humble servant. I know my place in the world, and that’s by his side. He may never love me the way I love him, but I will endure. I must. I will never go back to my old life. To the old men of our church trying to take what is not theirs. I will cling to this life and my husband for all eternity, like the good girl I am, but I cannot help but wonder what it would be like to be bad, what it would be like for my husband to teach me everything I desire.
*************FULL BOOK START HERE*************
Three Months Ago
I stare in confusion at my friend, the mayor of Hollow’s Hollow, Lloyd Hollow, as he tells us his plan to save our floundering town. His plan is certifiably insane. He’ll be picking brides for us from the responses to a mail-order bride ad. The same mail-order bride ad that made this town flourish back in the day. I think it’s going to blow up in our faces, but that’s just me. I don’t say anything because what can I say? As a member of a family of this town’s founders, I am well aware of the fact that historically the men of this town have found their wives this way, but it went by the wayside while Lloyd’s father was mayor. I guess Lloyd is bringing it back.
I can already imagine what my ridiculous parents are going to say about my choosing a wife without knowing her or her family background. They won the West Virginia State Lottery about ten years ago and completely changed. They went from God-fearing, church-going, all-American lower-middle-class to grotesque nouveau riche overnight. My mother, Elida, has always been a snob. You know the type, former beauty queen who married the town mechanic, my pops, Logan. Even from parts unknown, she tries to control Kelly’s food intake and makes sure she exercises four times a week. The girl is on the volleyball team and a cheerleader; she gets plenty of exercise, but that’s how my mom is. She’s drilled beauty standards into our heads from day one.
I always knew I was destined to be a minister, but I never thought I’d get married this soon and to a stranger to boot. I don’t look like a typical minister, nor do I act like one. I am a firm believer that those preaching the Good Word are just men and women, same as everybody else. They just happen to shepherd the flocks of the Lord. I drink, gamble, and I swear, just like everyone else.
Even as he continues talking, I know I will do whatever he thinks is necessary. I love Hollow’s Hollow. I was born in Charleston, a few miles away, but I was raised here. My younger sister, Kelly, and I still live here, while my parents come and go as they please. Kelly is only seventeen, and they have, in essence, abandoned her. They have spent the last eight years traveling non-stop while I raised Kelly. At least they waited until after I earned my Ph.D. in theology before leaving her in my care. I was twenty-six and just started working at Hollow’s Hollow Church of Christ, and Kelly was nine. I’ve done my best with her, but she’s almost grown. I have been thinking about settling down more and more, but there are no single women in town. As it is, any dating I do is more of the one-night stand variety in Charleston, but those are few and far between. I think the last time I was with a woman was four years ago, and it was nothing to write home about.
“Alton, can you stay behind a second? I need to speak with you,” Lloyd says, and I realize that everyone else is leaving the room.
“Hey, Lloyd. This is… crazy,” I say, shaking his outstretched hand while trying to be nice.
“I think it will bring new life and avenues of revenue we’ve never considered. I firmly believe this is all for the best.”
“Okay. What did you need from me?” I’m not going to argue with the man. He seems to have this in hand.
“I’ll need you to perform all the ceremonies except for yours, of course. I’ll get Lex to handle yours.”
“Of course, but I will need to counsel everyone involved and ensure they want this. Since West Virginia doesn’t have a waiting period, there isn’t any time to allow for cold feet.”
“Understood. Thank you,” he says. “Want to grab a drink?”
“Sure,” I say, chuckling. We leave and head over to the saloon.
This is going to be a disaster.
The first bride has gotten married to my buddy Jasper Sutton. She brought her five sisters with her. If I were more of a betting man, I’d say there is a good chance that one of them will be my bride. One of them keeps staring at me, though, to be fair, I'm already staring at her every time she looks at me. She looks nothing like the women I’ve been attracted to before, so I know I’m sure that I’m not attracted to her. No, it’s definitely not that, but something about her intrigues me. Jasper and his new bride, Sadie, are having a little reception at his ranch, and of course, I was invited. I’m drinking a beer and talking with Paul, the town sheriff, about a DUI checkpoint he did last night between Charleston and here when a loud laugh peels loudly through the room. I should have known it was her. It’s the most uninhibited laugh I’ve ever heard, as if it comes from her toes. I frown when I realize that a ranch hand I’ve met twice, Bob, is the one who made her laugh. I don’t know why that pisses me off; I only know that it does.