Page 5 of Alton & Lavinia
I wasn’t going to kiss her, but she looks a little lost, her eyes shining with unshed tears, so I drop my lips down to hers, expecting to end the kiss just as quickly, but she opens her mouth just a bit, as if in surprise, and I sink into it, to her. I know it’s wrong to lead her on like this but sue me; she’s my wife. I can kiss her if I want to.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Dr. and Mrs. Alton Reed,” Lloyd shouts over the applause. Only then do I realize that I’m still kissing her. I abruptly pull away from her and clear my throat.
I invite everyone over to the saloon for a drink, knowing full well my wife and her sisters can’t drink, so I got Toby, the asshole, to provide sparkling cider for them.
Everyone is mingling when Jasper comes up to me.
“How you doing, man?” he asks, taking a pull from his beer.
“Not great,” I admit.
“What’s up?”
“I don’t know what to do.”
“About?” he asks, and I begin to lie through my teeth because all I can think about are the aesthetics of this relationship.
“I’m not attracted to my wife. I’ll never be attracted to her. I should have said something before I married her, but it’s too late now.”
“You’re a fucking idiot, Alton.”
“Excuse me?” I don’t think anybody has ever called me an idiot before.
“You heard me; you’re a fucking idiot.”
“Have you not seen her?”
“I have. She’s beautiful. You’re just an idiot.”
“I should have spoken to Lloyd about this.”
“He’d tell you the same fucking thing. He’d also probably mention that she’s a hell of a baker besides being beautiful. Everything she bakes tastes magical. She’s also extremely intelligent, loyal, and funny. You don’t even know the half of it, Alton. Her sisters have told me things about her. Things she’s done, things she’s thrived through. I’ve known you for twenty years; trust me when I tell you she’s perfect for you.”
“But she’s so big,” I say sullenly, knowing that should have no bearing on Lavinia as a person, but I can’t help how I feel. Jasper looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. Maybe I have.
“I literally can’t believe you, Alton. You sound like a teenaged boy. Just because she’s overweight doesn’t mean she’s not beautiful. You do know that, don’t you? Lavinia is beautiful, point blank, period. You need to grow the fuck up and get to know your wife, and for the love of God, don’t repeat what you said to anyone else. You’re fucking lucky you’re my friend because if you were anyone else, I’d kick your fucking ass. Which you richly deserve,” he says through clenched teeth before storming off, mumbling under his breath.
Well fuck, that didn’t go well. I don’t know what to do now. I look around the bar and don’t see her anywhere. I wonder where she’s gone…
Chapter Two
“I’m not attracted to my wife. I should have said something before I married her, but it’s too late now.”
I knew this was too good to be true; I think to myself as I scurry to the bathroom. I actually think it’s the men’s room because there’s only one, but it doesn’t matter. I just had to get out of there before I lost it in front of people.
His kiss, my first kiss, gave me hope that this could work between us, but how wrong I was. I heard him and Jasper; nothing will ever be the same again. The words “not attracted” and “so big” run through my mind like the worst kind of litany. I give myself two minutes to get over it.
He doesn’t find me attractive. I can do nothing about that; I’m not about to beg that man to love me. So I’ll soldier on as I always have. I splash cold water on my face, dry it with a scratchy paper towel, and paste on the biggest, fakest smile I can manage. I open the bathroom door, walk out into the hallway, and slam into a body. I almost fall backward, but strong arms catch me.
“Carter. Hey. Sorry about that. I should really watch where I’m going.” Jasper’s younger brother has been nothing but nice to me.
“No trouble. Really. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine. Why do you ask?” I ask, hoping my face doesn’t look as red, swollen, and as splotchy as it feels.
“You’ve been in the bathroom for twenty minutes.”
“Oh. Uh… yeah. Totally fine.” Sweet Jesus. Get it together, Lavinia.
“You sure?”
“Yep. Totally.”
“Okay. Want to get a drink?”
“I’m not old enough to drink, Carter.”
“Jesus, you’re just a baby.”
“I’m grown,” I say, laughing.
“I can see that,” he says.
“There you are. Are you ready to go home?” Alton asks. I peer around Carter’s broad shoulders and see Alton looking impatient. Or pissed. Why would he be pissed, though?