Page 27 of Before We Fall
“That’s good.”
“It is.” I take a sip of my drink that is almost empty.
“How’s it been working again?”
Grinning, I shake my head. “The first week was an adjustment, but I’m no longer asking my coworkers and clients if they need to ‘go potty,’ so I’m improving,” I joke, and he laughs. “But really, it’s nice being with adults and having actual conversations again.”
“Good,” he says softly, and darn if I don’t want to lean into him.
“I know you’re a detective. What’s that like?” I ask, and his eyes roam over my face for a long moment.
“I won’t say I love my job. I won’t even say I like it. But the families who share the worst parts of their lives with me are depending on me, so every day, I show up hoping that at some point I’ll be able to give them some closure.”
My stomach knots just imagining the kind of pressure that comes with what he does. I don’t think I could do it, or I know I couldn’t, not without losing a little of who I am in the end. “I hate that for you,” I whisper, and his eyes soften.
Hearing my name shouted, I peer through the dark and find Nikki, one of my clients who’s become a friend over the years, walking in our direction. Or more accurately, stumbling toward us in her heels.
“I’ve been looking all over for you,” she says.
“I’ve been here,” I tell her as she plops down on the couch, forcing me into Tucker’s side. Adjusting myself so I’m not almost sitting on top of him, I look over at her. “Are you okay?”
“I think I’m going to catch a cab and head home.” She rests her head on the back of the couch and peeks at me through one eye. “How am I the drunk one at your divorce party?”
“Because you drank enough for the both of us.”
“True.” She giggles, and I smile.
“Come on.” I stand and take her hands to pull her up. “I’ll tell Emma you’re ready to go.”
“No, I don’t want to ruin everyone’s night. They’re all still dancing and having a good time. I’ll just call a cab,” she slurs as she falls against me, almost knocking me over.
“I’m not going to let you go home alone.” I look up at Tucker when he takes my glass so I don’t drop it as I try to keep her on her feet. “Thanks.”
“Who is that?” Nikki breathes, obviously not so drunk she can’t appreciate a good-looking man when she sees one.
“That’s my friend, Tucker.”
“Good for you, bitch.” She pats my ass, making me laugh.
“Come on, you.” I start leading her across the club, with Tucker following close behind. Like she said, our group is on the dance floor, dancing and having fun—except for Eli and Emma, who are sitting at the bar, him with a beer and her with a full drink.
“Darn,” I mutter.
“I’m okay to get a cab,” Nikki murmurs, and I roll my eyes.
“I’m just going to let Emma know I’m taking her home,” I tell Tucker, and he shakes his head.
“I’ll give you guys a ride.”
“Oh, I want to ride him,” Nikki says, and I sigh.
“I was going to head out earlier, before I saw you,” he continues like he didn’t hear her, even though I know he did.
“What’s going on?” Emma asks, walking over to join us.
“Nikki needs to go home,” I say, and she looks at Nikki, whose head has fallen forward like she’s asleep standing up. “Tucker is going to give us a ride.”
“We can all leave,” Emma says, and I shake my head.
“No, you guys stay. The girls are still having fun, and Eli is having a drink. I should get home anyway since Kingston will be back tomorrow.”
Her gaze moves to Tucker, and her eyes narrow. “Have you been drinking?”
“I’ve had a couple of beers, but I’m good.”
“How good? Can you say the ABCs backward?”
“Can you?” he asks, and she crosses her arms over her chest.
“No, but I’ve been drinking.”
“Right,” he mutters.
“Whatever, fine.” She looks at me. “Call me as soon as you get home.”
“I will.” I give her a one-armed hug, because I’ve still got ahold of Nikki, then glance over at the dance floor. “Tell everyone I said goodnight.”
“Do you want me to help you get her outside?” she asks when Nikki slumps into me further.
“I got her.” Tucker passes Emma the glass and empty beer bottle from his hands, then suddenly Nikki’s weight is lifted off me, and she’s in his arms bride-style. As her head rolls against his shoulder, he looks down at me. “Ready?”
“Do you need to tell anyone you’re leaving?”
“I’ll send them a text.” He starts to walk off with Nikki, so I quickly wave at Emma, then follow him outside.
“I hope you don’t have to carry her too far.” I wrap my arms around my middle to fight off the cold when I shiver.