Page 52 of Waves of Time
Estelle turned back toward the fridge, removed one of the lasagnas, and announced, “Who’s hungry?” Before anyone could answer, she began to reheat the lasagna in the oven, then ordered Aria to set the table.
“Your father and the rest of the family will be here soon,” she said. “We’ll have one last dinner as a family before…”
Hilary nodded, thinking how lucky she was to have all of her family around her on this, the final day before everything changed.
One after another, the Colemans arrived— most of them carrying more food to share. Darcy and Rachelle brought a lemon cake, one of Rachelle’s specialties, and Charlie’s wife, Shawna, had made a big salad with goat cheese, red onions, and black olives. Sam brought a big dish of pasta salad, laughing as she said, “The only thing that goes great with lasagna is even more pasta, right?”
Aria set the table on the back porch as Roland and Charlie clapped Marc on the back, welcoming him to the island.Hilary was surprised that her father lent no ill will to Marc.
“I can’t remember the last time I saw you, my man!” Charlie said.
“It’s been too long,” Marc agreed.
As Hilary studied them, her vision blurry and her eyes aching, she tried to imagine what it might have been like to have Marc on Nantucket the entire time. Even in their twenties, he’d gotten along really well with Charlie, and the two of them had gone sailing and fishing together, forging a bond that inevitably broke when Marc took off. It was painful to think about all those lost years.
But it wasn’t like Marc was back for good, Hilary reminded herself. He’d never given her any reason to hope they could get back together. She’d taken it out of her mind years ago.
Just before they sat down for dinner, Thaddeus arrived. Aria took his hand and introduced him to the family, including her father, and Marc greeted Thaddeus with a genuine smile and said, “I heard that you’ve been instrumental in putting a terrible man to justice.” Aria’s eyes flashed.
Hilary realized Aria had told her father about Frank, about what Hilary had seen, and about Thaddeus’ past— all of which Marc had accepted. Hilary wasn’t sure if she should be embarrassed about having gone out with a criminal like Frank. However, this close to her eye surgery, she wasn’t sure she cared.
“I’m glad you could come by, Thaddeus,” Estelle said. “I think I’ve seen you at Robby’s Crab Cabin a time or two, always waiting for our girl to get off of work.”
“Guilty as charged,” Thaddeus said with a smile. “I spent a lot of my summer at Robby’s Crab Cabin, in fact.”
“Eventually, we just put him to work,” Aria joked.
“It’s true,” Thaddeus said. “I must have taken out the trash fifteen times!”
Everyone at the table laughed, eyeing Thaddeus, sizing him up. Nobody knew quite what to make of Aria growing up and falling in love, least of all Hilary.
Just as Estelle placed the steaming lasagna in the center of the table, Roland raised a glass of red wine and cleared his throat. Hilary was chilled to the bone.
“I just want to say something really quickly,” Roland said, eyes downcast. “It has been one hell of a summer, and it hasn’t been easy on any of us. I know that partially, how difficult it’s been is my fault, and I feel terrible about that.” He paused, wet his lips, then said, “But tomorrow is my darling Hilary’s surgery, and I want to say, Hilary, that your family loves you. And we’re pulling for you. And we’re here for you, no matter what happens.
Hilary bit her lip, on the verge of bursting into tears.
“We’re here for you,” Sam repeated.
“Every step of the way,” Charlie said.
Hilary took a sip of water, feeling all over the place. “I can’t thank you enough,” she finally managed before she placed her forehead on Marc’s shoulder and exhaled deeply. “It’s going to be okay. It has to be.”
* * *
Several hours later, after Estelle, Sam, and Shawna had cleaned the kitchen, and the rest of the family had said their goodbyes, Hilary found herself on her couch, alone with Marc— dressed in only a pair of pajama pants and a big t-shirt, no makeup. She couldn’t remember the last time it had just been her and Marc without Aria. Just now, Aria was along the dark beach with Thaddeus, walking hand in hand. Every once in a while, Hilary could make out their silhouettes beneath the moonlight.
“You have quite a family,” Marc said, interrupting her reverie.
Hilary cocked her eyebrow. “You forgot what they’re like?”
“They’re better than I remembered if that’s even possible,” Marc said. “I forgot what it’s like to have so many people care about you. To be surrounded by such love.”
Hilary frowned, remembering that Marc was now an orphan, his extended family was across the continent, and they hardly ever came together. The Coleman Family had been Marc’s first exposure to a “real, loving family.” Yet he’d rejected it.
“Marc? Why did you come to Nantucket?” Hilary asked, her voice very small and timid.
Marc gave her a look. “What do you mean? You’re about to have major surgery! You need help.”