Page 1 of Taking A Chance
Chapter One
“All right, you can do this,” I tell myself as I stare at my reflection.
The girl staring back at me looks terrified, nothing like the way I want to feel tonight. I have been planning this night for the better part of a year. Dressed in a brand-new outfit, flaunting every last one of my assets. I have always been what others consider curvy. It took me years to accept and love my body, and although I love the way I look, I only wish I had more confidence.
Tonight though, I will finally take what I have always wanted. I will fake confidence if I have to, but I cannot continue to live in limbo like this.
Xander Chance.
I can’t remember a time before I loved that man. Dark hair, bulging muscles, stormy grey eyes, and skin covered in ink that I would like nothing more than to lick.
Since I turned eighteen, I have been waiting for him to make a move, to progress beyond the point of furtive glances. But it has been two years, and nothing has happened. I tried to be cool, tried to be seductive, and all that got me is avoidance. Now, it is time to take matters into my own hands.
After tonight, I will either have the man I love, or I will move on and forget about him.
The doorbell rings and pulls me from my reverie. Breathing deeply, I straighten my back and check my outfit one last time before I answer the door.
“Laura,” Jared smirks when his gaze lands on me. “You look stunning.”
I try my best to smile but it feels forced – which it is. Jared makes me uncomfortable and always has. Both Xander and my brother have always warned me to stay away from him, but I need him to make my plan work.
“Thank you.”
“Are you sure you want to go out?” he asks. “We can just stay here and I can help you out of those jeans.”
His comments make me rethink everything for a split second. But I shake my head, step out of my small one-bedroom apartment and lock the door before I can lose my nerve.
“It will be fun,” I say trying to keep my voice even. “Besides, this is our first date.”
Jared mumbles something behind me that I don’t quite catch as we walk down the stairs to where he is parked. I try not to linger on it as he starts the car and we head toward what can either be my dream come true, or the worst night of my life.
I watch the crowd of drunk, dancing people from my booth in the corner. My glower is enough to keep nearly everyone away from me. Only the waitress approaches me, and I am almost certain if it wasn’t her job she would have stayed away too.
Valentine’s Day is a commercial crock of shit. A way for greeting card companies and chocolate manufacturers to make more money out of lovesick fools. But I don’t have a choice. Being the owner of a bar pushes me to be here, to watch my staff and patrons, and ensure that trouble stays away. Still, seeing all these people happy and in love grates at my nerves, knowing I can never have the woman I’ve always loved from afar.
The door on the other side of the room opens, fresh air mixing with the smoke. My gaze drifts in that direction, quickly scanning over the newcomers. A pretty little blonde is hanging off of Jared Connor’s arm as he turns her toward the bar, blocking her face from my view. Poor girl. She doesn’t know what a piece of shit he is.
I watch him lead her toward the bar, his hand on her lower back. She seems to be slightly uncomfortable with his touch, her posture rigid, but not enough to move away. Her ass is encased in black jeans that look painted onto her skin. Her neon pink heels help to accentuate the form of her legs and ass. Where the fuck did Jared find this girl? She is hot as sin, with curves for days.
“Another beer?” Jenny the waitress asks.
“No.” My attention doesn’t move from the woman beside Jared. There is something familiar about her, I just can’t seem to put my finger on it.
“Fine,” she mumbles as she moves to the next table.
The woman laughs, her hair cascading down her back as she tilts to the side. The moment I realize who she is I am already moving. My feet are carrying me across the dance floor before I can even think it through. Anger slams through my veins with every beat of my heart.
Chapter Two
My laughter sounds fake to my own ears, but it must not be obvious because Jared keeps smiling at me. I try to turn my body away from him, to get his hand off my hip, but every time I move so does he. I know I am pushing my luck being here with him, but I couldn’t think of any other way to get Xander’s attention.