Page 6 of A Fighting Chance
Horror slams into me as I realize what the item inside is. A heart. Must be from some kind of small animal or something because it’s tiny.
“Why the fuck would you bring this in here?” I ask harshly, turning to look at her. When our gazes connect, I know why. She thinks I had something to do with this. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“You’re the only asshole I know that would knock on my door at four in the morning to do something like this,” she hisses. “No one else hates me enough to stoop to this level.”
I can see her physically vibrating with anger, but I also see the fear in her even though she is trying to hide it. If I admit to this, then she can breathe again. It would mean she doesn’t have a bigger issue at hand. Knowing I didn’t do this is going to scare the shit out of her.
“I didn’t do this.” I try to gentle my tone. My blood is boiling at the thought of anyone doing this to her, but I need to keep calm for now. Me going off the handle isn’t going to help anyone. “You’ve known me for most of my life. Can you honestly say that you think I am capable of something like this? I know I’m an asshole, but this is a little much, even for me.”
Her eyes are wide as she stares at me. I watch her work through everything in her mind before coming to the conclusion that I’m not lying. She stumbles over to a chair in the corner, and I am immediately on my feet. I’ve never seen her this freaked out. Even when her mom passed, she was calm and collected until she was alone.
Mercedes has never been the type to show her emotions around other people. Seeing her this way now is starting to really freak me out. A tear slips down her cheeks as I sit on my haunches in front of her, and she swipes at it angrily.
“Promise you didn’t do this?” she whispers brokenly.
And I can’t help myself anymore. I pull her against my chest in what is probably the most uncomfortable hug of my entire life.
“I promise.”
I hate crying in front of other people. Even as a little girl, I wouldn’t do it. In my mind, it shows weakness. Don’t get me wrong, I cry. I just don’t like witnesses. But this is all too much. Since the moment I opened that damn box, I have clung to anger.
First, that someone would send it to me. And then because some poor animal had to die for this little gift to be a reality. It only took me a moment to decide that it had been Alistair that left it there. I mean who else could it be? From there, I have let my anger drive me.
Now I know that I was fooling myself. I breathe in his earthy scent as I try to center myself, hoping that the answer will come to me if I just think hard enough. But my brain has gone into a complete shut-down and I simply can’t fathom why someone would do anything like this.
After long moments Alistair releases me before standing. He picks up the box and looks it over again, like maybe he is going to find some clue as to who the sender is.
“Was there a note?” I shake my head. “You say it was dropped off in the early morning hours?”
I nod. I can’t seem to speak. He continues to study the box before opening it again.
“Here,” he says before turning the lid to show me what he has found. On the inside are written two words in black ink.
My mind is reeling. Why would someone leave a package like this for me?
“Malichai!” Alistair calls out after a moment. “I need you to cancel all my clients for the day.”
“Why? What’s going on?” he asks as he joins us. But he only takes one look at me and nods his head before walking away.
“Come on,” Alistair says as he takes my hand, pulling me toward the door. “Let’s get you home.”
“I have to work,” I shake my head.
“Hell no,” he says as he holds the door open for me. “You are going home and then I am going to help you figure this shit out.”
As the door to the tattoo parlor closes behind us, we stand face-to-face with Kristoff, the man from last night. His gaze zeros in on my hand clasped in Alistair’s and a flash of anger crosses his features before he can school them.
“I don’t have the time or the patience for this shit today,” Alistair says lowly.
“Brighten up sunshine,” Kristoff says in an overly friendly tone. I have no idea what the hell is going on between the two of them, but they clearly don’t like each other. “Have you seen the new rankings? It seems it will be the two of us next weekend.”
I can feel Alistair tense up beside me and I squeeze his hand before looking back at Kristoff. It doesn’t matter whether I understand the situation or not, whether I’m pissed at Ali or not, I will always have his back.