Page 15 of Where Is the Love
“None. I wouldn’t let him blindside you like that. You handled it well though.”
“I always make shit look easy,” I mumbled. “I’m sick of that shit.”
“What? We couldn’t hear you, Jess,” Jakari said.
I glanced around the restaurant as Uncle Storm walked through the door, carrying a box. The twins were with him, and they came straight to our table and sat down. Nesha frowned at them. “Just because we’re first cousins don’t make y’all grown enough to sit in on our conversations.”
They rolled their eyes, then Bali said, “Y’all ain’t saying nothing we ain’t heard before. Now carry on.”
They were both into their phones right after. Jakari chuckled and asked, “So where we going tonight? Decaurey say?”
“Yeah. You know his ass always sniffing out a party or some shit to do. We’re supposed to be going to Painting with a Twist and somewhere else he said. I done forgot. He wanted to go bowling, but I ain’t tryna break my nails with this shoot coming up. I won’t have time to get them redone without taking time from something or someone else.”
“Someone else like who?” Bali asked. “It only takes an hour to get your nails done.”
“From that fine body builder that was at the family party the other night, Bali. He was all into her, and she was trying to act like she wasn’t feeling him as much at the end. If I could see the chemistry between them, I know Decklan could. Jess petty like future Mayor Storm Henderson, so I know she was doing all that shit to make Decklan jealous. It worked because that nigga was in his feelings big time,” Noni said.
They were too grown for their own fucking good. “Listen, y’all all in my business like y’all nosy ass father. I ain’t in the best mood right now, so I won’t have a single problem fucking both of y’all up. Move around.”
They rolled their eyes, but they got their narrow asses up from our table. Jakari chuckled. “You know you the only one they really listen to.”
“That’s because they know I will do just what I say I’m gon’ do. I done whupped their lil asses a couple of times.”
Before we could resume our conversation about our festivities for the night, Uncle Storm came to our table. He wore his normal frown as he asked, “Jess, why you threatening my kids?”
“Because they all in my fucking business like they my age. They need to mind the business that pays them… like yo’ lil campaign.”
His eyebrows went up for a second, then he frowned again. “Just like you checked them, I’m finna check you. I ain’tyo’fucking age. Direct that attitude where it needs to go. And mylilcampaign? Sound like a hater to me. As part of my campaign, their jobs are to get in everybody’s business, no matter how wack it is. Na get yo’ ass up and hug me, Jess.”
I closed my eyes for a moment and reeled my feelings in, then stood and hugged him around his waist. “I’m sorry, Unc,” I said sincerely.
He kissed my head then pulled me away from Nesha and Jakari. “What’s up wit’chu? And I don’t wanna hear no bullshit. Brix fucking with you?”
“Yeah, but in a good way. I just can’t get my mind to trust him like my heart wants to. I need to properly get over my heartbreak and make sure that I ain’t feeling shit for Nate.”
“You still talking to that nigga?”
“Yeah, but I haven’t seen him since the wedding. He’s a good guy.”
“Oh, so you havetoomany options. I can narrow that shit down for you real quick.”
“Naw, future mayor. Can’t have you on the wrong side of the law.”
He chuckled and hugged me again. “Holla at me later.”
When I sat back down and he’d spoken to Nesha and Jakari, he left. I was the center of attention it seemed, so I said, “Tell Lennox to check his brother. He told me he was gonna come, and I told him not to. He showed his ass up anyway. I’m so done with him. If I ain’t gave him no play in over three months, he should know he ain’t getting shit now.”
“I’m sorry, Jess. I’ll tell him. Is that all that’s bothering you? It seems like there’s more. You just seem so irritable. You’re never really like that, and I’m worried about you.”
“Yeah, Bestie Jessie. We worried about you.”
I glanced over at Jakari’s lame ass. “Nigga, shut the fuck up. Always trying to tease somebody. You need a woman.”
“You damn right I do. Point one my way because a nigga practically in starvation mode. Yo’ uncle and Nesha daddy a damn slave driver.”