Page 3 of Beards and Bikinis
“Um, hey. Did you forget something?”
Swallowing hard, I pray she makes the first move. I’ve stuck my foot in my mouth so many times at this point I can only hope she takes pity on me and asks me out. No, I should be a man and do it. Or no, she might think I’m aggressive, so I won’t do that.
“I was hoping to fill out an application.” She points over her tan shoulder at the help-wanted sign in the window.
“Oh. Really?” I ask with a dumbfounded look to her, wondering why this beauty would want to come clean animal tanks and reek of fish, but I realize my mistake as her cheeks blush and she starts pulling away.
“I, um, thought no experience was needed. I’m sorry. I was just thinking I could—never mind,” she says, turning and leaveing. Is she embarrassed? What’s happening? I take too long to gather my thoughts. I rush out the front door, chasing her.
“Wait! Please!” Fuck me, all I get is a glimpse of her wild blonde curls before she disappears into a red van.
Luckily, the windows down when I catch up. She sits there with a curious express, while I catch my breath.
“I think you misunderstood,” I say, gasping. Why is my heartrate so out of control? I run everyday, and after that was just a short-ass sprint, I shouldn’t be this fazed.“Um, I would love to give you an application, if you’re still interested. No experience is necessary.”
“Are you sure?”
I nod, though I’m sure of two things. One, I’m going to hire her, and two, hiring her will mean she’s my employee and officially off limits. Limits I won’t cross. But as that realization sets in and my heart sinks to my stomach, damn butterflies still take flight at the sight of her big smile.
“Thank you! Thank you, thank you!” she says, popping out the door and into my unexpecting arms. Fuck, she smells like sunscreen and roses. Like a beach mixed with a flower garden.
Before I let myself sink into her, I clear my throat, letting her drop back down to her feet. I miss her warmth, even under this sweltering summer sun, but I tell myself it’s for the best. She wants a job, not an old man making her uncomfortable.
“I’m sorry. Just really excited for the chance,” Meno says, blushing and effectively winding me around her little finger. I swallow hard and on a deep breath, save us both some time.
“You don’t really need an application. The job, which won’t be glamorous mind you,” I tell her with a pointed look, “is all yours, if you want it. We can just start you on the paperwork.”
My brain short circuits when she screams, jumping back into my arms.
“Oh my gosh! Thank you! You have no idea how excited I am, and I’ll do a good job. I promise! It’s going to be the best first job ever.”
First? Holy shit. Things just got even messier.
First day on the job is going great so far. I didn’t sleep much last night so I’m just glad I’m able to retain everything Milo is teaching me. We’re in a dark utility room unpacking a few new supplies. The area is small and stacked with boxes being stored and equipment that lays out organized for whenever there’s a need. It smells like fish, but I don’t mind it a bit.
Milo’s been talking for a really long time, and I’m trying really hard to concentrate, but its hard. As he’s reaching to put away a snorkelin the cubby, my eyes catch a sliver of his abs. I stand and stare. His biceps are huge. Probably as big as my head and covered in tattoos. He’s my new boss, so I really need to stop my eyes before they move lower. Shoot, too late now. Goodness gracious, his thighs are thick and is that—no, that can’t be an erection. He must be big. Holy anaconda.
Suddenly, he turns toward the stairs to head back down to the main floor, and I shamelessly walk slower, just to follow behind him.
So far my tour of the Grand Rapids Wildlife Refuge has only given me a big fat crush on a man so far out of my league I won’t even shoot my shot. Milo isn’t just perfect on the outside, but his heart is huge, and he beams with pride as he tells me about the animals.
“This is James Brown. He’s a loggerhead sea turtle and our longest resident. Matter of fact, this guy was born here and never wanted to leave.”
I can’t help but smile.
“That’s Madonna and Cher over there, and that little guy swimming behind them is Chip.”
“I love their names,” I say as I watch each one swim by Milo, who pats each shell.
“Thanks,” he mutters, looking away. “I, ah, named them. Except Queen Charlotte over there by her grumpy self. She only likes Baxter.”
“Who’s Baxter?”
“He is the manor who some call the dude.” Milo laughs with a sentimental smile. “He’s the man who funds all of this. The boss man.”