Page 11 of The Billionaire Dad
Our team still lost, but Nova didn’t care. He felt like he’d won. Lunch after the game was great, and I got to see them interacting. It settled my uneasy feeling about hiring help. Nova needs this too, a little bit of a feminine touch in his life. I go to bed knowing I can sleep easy—he’s in good hands with her.
My alarm goes off before the sun is up, and I groan and growl and curse the fact that to stay in shape, I have to exercise, and the only time I can do that is before my son rises in the morning. Pulling on a pair of gym shorts, I splash some cold water on my face and try convincing my brain we’re awake. I remind myself that I am setting an example for my son, and being healthy is important.
I put in a home gym, so I didn’t have to work out with all the chirpy morning people in the building’s gym. I know it’s state of the art—but I am no state of anything in the morning. Not noticing the lights are already on, I stretch and get my body warm to start my workout.
“Jesus,” I just about shit myself when Sienna greets me with a chipper smile, “Are you trying to kill me? What are you doing?”
“You said I could use the gym in the morning. I got up early to get done before Nova is up,” she says, my eyes drawn to her sports bra-shirt-thing-that-should-be-illegal instead of looking at her face. “I can go if you want. I don’t want to mess up your schedule.” It’s hard to look up from her perfect flat stomach.
“No, you don’t have to go. We can share the gym, just don’t give me damn fright again.” My heart is still racing, but I think it’s less from the fright more from the way her leggings are wrapped around her ass like liquid latex. God, that’d stop any man’s heart.
I’m fucking glad she isn’t working out in the public gym. They’d be all over her—that sets off a flash of jealousy I know I am not entitled to feel. She’s my employee. She is here for Nova. I have watched enough TV to know that getting tangled up with the nanny never ever ends well. It is always a headline and usually not a flattering one.
“I will not scare you in the gym, and I will put my AirPods in, so you do not have to hear my playlist either.” Suddenly I want nothing more than to know what is on her playlist, and what gets her going.
“I might like your playlist,” I say before I can stop myself. “You can connect to the sound system.” Sienna laughs and it makes my stomach flip. The sound is so light she might float away.
“You are not going to love Taylor Swift, Pink, and Harry Styles. I think I’ll keep my AirPods in.” She winks, and starts her warmup stretching her fucking stunning body right there in front of me.
It’s like waving candy in front of a toddler, then telling them they can’t have any. Why did I let my son convince me to hire a hot nanny? I shake it off. There’s an hour before Nova will open his eyes and go from sweet sleeping child to hellion with unbridled energy that must have food immediately. I try to block out the additional person in my space and focus on exercise. But it’s not easy, especially when I catch Sienna sneaking glances at me—not innocent ones either.
I am a lot older than her, and I am a single dad with no spare time, so the fact a young lady like her would give me a look like that is flattering. And I don’t mind looking at her. Looking is fine. Isn’t it? I can look at the nanny. I just can’t do anything else. I can’t do any of the wild inappropriate thoughts running through my head as fast as I am running on the treadmill. None of those are allowed. Looking is okay. I can look at her.
There were rules in the contract with the agency, rules that go both ways. Nothing is allowed between a nanny and any member of the family that employs her. Nothing. They are very clear that contracts will be terminated, and that the nanny will be dismissed. Even if there is mutual consent—it is forbidden. Why does that only make me want her more? Knowing I cannot have her. We are all wired to what something the minute we are told we can’t have it.
“I’m done,” Sienna says as she sashays out of the gym, her workout barely making her sweat, while I have pushed myself to the point I might die. This is bad for my health—working out with her is the opposite of healthy. My pulse is racing, I am sweating like I ran a marathon, and I have a hard situation in my shorts which I have tried to hide a thousand different ways. I will have to get up even earlier to beat her to the gym or stay up late, and try to force my body to do this at night.
* * *
It’s been a week of having Sienna here, and I already don’t know how we managed without her. She’s wonderful with Nova, and gives us space when it is my time with him. It’s working. Way better than I could have hoped actually, and having that security and not worrying about him has given me the freedom to get on with work.
The move is going ahead. No matter which staff I lose, I can always gain new ones once we are there. Kim was a big blow, and as pissed as I am about it, I understand that no amount of money will change her mind. Vegas is home for her. To me this city was always going to be a stepping stone to something more—now is my time for more, and I am excited to take on a bigger challenge. Nothing grows if we don’t take a chance and give it space to get bigger—my company has outgrown Las Vegas.
The only thing with Sienna here is that I can’t ignore her. I work from home as much as I can. And she is everywhere, in her cute little denim cut-off shorts. Or leggings that make it incrediblyhardnot to look at her ass. She had a soccer kit on yesterday. She had taken Nova to practice one on one with her. She suggested it might be less distracting for him without the other kids, and judging by the smiles when my son came back, she was right. I will have to see about some private coaching for him. Maybe look out for a better team than the one he is with.
I’m distracted whenever she is in the same space as me and find myself moving about like a nomad avoiding awkward interactions where my cock and my brain won’t cooperate with each other. Today I’m more edgy than normal, and every small thing she does is so damn sexy. The rules be damned, I spin on my office chair and wonder if I flirted—really flirted—would she break the rules? I see her looking at me in the gym, biting her lip when I come to breakfast without my shirt on. I know Sienna likes what she sees, but would she act on it? Break the rules?
I’d break the rules for her. She’s sexy, funny, smart and my kid fucking adores her. There’s so much she has that other women do not even come close to. Maybe the sexual frustration has gone to my brain. Maybe I really just need to get laid. The nanny is not a good idea. I should go on a date or something. I haven’t even tried that in ages. Enough bad ones cured me of the need to try, but now Sienna is here to watch Nova. I have some extra hours where I could date if I wanted to.
Get my mind off the hot woman living in my house, maybe go out and meet someone I can have a relationship with. I am mulling it over in my head, but the thought of trying to date just makes me nauseous. Where do you start? Apps, and the Tinder jungle, no thank you. A dating device for rich old me, they exist. I have tried them—it was an epic disaster I would rather not repeat.
We have policies against dating in the office, so none of my very attractive female execs is an option. I don’t go to bars—how the fucking hell do humans even get laid these days? How are babies still being born because we are so far disconnected from reality that it scares me thinking about it. I know that many of the divorced, single soccer moms would love a shot at dating me. But what happens when it goes wrong, and our kids still play on the same team? How do we get around them being friends? I think that pool of candidates is best left untested.
Imagine the whispers on the bleachers, the rumors were flying after I arrived with Sienna. Thankfully, Nova called her his nanny and quickly set them all straight. Although, I could see myself dating a woman like Sienna, one that was not my son’s nanny.
I have to fix this obsession. It’s making me lose my mind. The more I tell myself not to think about her, the more she is all I think about.Fuck. I need to get out and do something with myself this morning or I will hit on her—I know it.
They don’t need me in the office, but I can find a reason to be there, so I gather a few things. Three steps down the hallway, I walk straight into Sienna. Into her, like full body contact, mine against hers, and she freezes so we are stuck that way for longer than comfortable.
“Lance,” she says and it’s almost breathless, a sexy rasp in her voice I wasn’t expecting. “Are you going out?” she asks, finally moving back a step, so her gorgeous body isn’t plastered up against my raging hard dick. I have no doubt she felt it—she had to.
“I need to go to the office. There’s an, umm—emergency. They need me.” I struggle to get the lie out of my mouth. I am flustered by her touching me. “I won’t be long,” I speak. She shrugs, tossing her ponytail back over her shoulder, and gives me a toothy smile.
“That’s fine. I am going to take him to the pool. I promised if he got through this morning’s lessons, we’d swim. It’s hot enough for it. Maybe you can join us there when you get home later.” The thought of Sienna in a bathing suit has me agreeing to swim with them. I shouldn’t, but I do.
“That sounds great, let me see if I can move this meeting online, then I can be out there with you guys sooner.”