Page 13 of The Billionaire Dad
“Night, Sienna,” Nova says, bounding his way to bed. “Sleep tight.”
“Night, night,” I say, and Lance leaves with an audible growl, following him to bed. This whole day has been weird, and I tidy up fast so I can avoid any more awkward flirting, almost kissing interactions with my boss. I need some space to clear my thoughts and not be confused by how handsome he is.
I take a quick shower when the dishes are packed away and the toys are tidied into their storage baskets. My hair is knotted from the pool water and takes a while to brush out. After I’m done with my very brief beauty routine, I pull on PJ bottoms and a retro band t-shirt. I slather on some moisturizer so my face doesn’t look like I was in the sun all day.
The house is quiet, and I am sure Nova is asleep. I am lazy from being in the sun, but not actually tired. That moment in the kitchen has me all wired and uneasy. I left my book in the bag we had at the pool, which is on the hook in the kitchen. I sigh and slip out of the room to go and fetch it. I know I am not going to fall asleep easily—not after the day I have had.
The lights are all off, which means Lance has already gone to his room, and hopefully, to bed for the night. I feel my way to the kitchen, and fish my book out of the bag. I am actually enjoying it, which surprises me because I never thought about reading crime fiction, but it was lying around the living room, and I picked it up. Now I am invested. I even looked up the author to see if there were more.
I’m carefully tiptoeing back to bed in the dark, not wanting to wake either of the guys up. I pass Lance’s door, and it’s open; he usually has it closed once he goes to bed. There are no lights on. Maybe he heard me and was just checking.
Before I can finish my thought, I am pushed up against the wall in the hallway. I gasp softly, getting a fright. Lance is holding me there, his body against mine. My heart thuds, then flutters and skips. He’s fucking sexy even in the dark where I can’t see, only feel every single muscle.
“What are you doing?” I whisper, not moving. I don’t want to push him away, not this time—it’s dark—we are alone. No one can see us. His scent is intoxicating, his body is warm, and I have forgotten all the rules and reasons not to kiss him.
“Sleep walking,” he whispers against my ear. “You are so fucking tempting, Sienna. I can’t help myself. I think about you all the time.” His soft, gruff words turn me on even more than his swimming costume did. “I want to break the rules, for you. Because I have never wanted a woman, not like this.” His knuckles run down my cheek, his lips ghosting a breath away from mine. Tempting me, teasing me—driving me crazy because I have been lusting after him too. My book falls to the floor with a thud. I lose my grip on it and reality.
“Please,” I whisper, not sure if I am asking him to kiss me or telling him not to. “Lance, please.” I don’t get another word out of my mouth before his lips touch mine. It’s not a soft kiss, and I put my hands on his broad shoulders. Touching the muscles that strain his shirts and have me gawking every time he is shirtless. His tongue traces my lips before it touches mine, in a delicate but hungry dance. Neither of us is willing to hold back. Lance kisses me like no man ever has before.
His hands explore my body over my pajamas. His body pushes against mine. I can feel just how hard this has made him and it only makes me want him more. This is so bad, but so good. When he pulls me into him, wrapping an arm behind me, all my inhibitions melt away, and I allow myself to touch him too.
Separating just enough to breathe, I don’t want him to stop. This is dangerous and risky, and so good. I never want it to end. But I can’t. I put my hands on his chest and push him away softly, creating space between us. “Lance, we shouldn’t do this,” I say softly. “I do want to. You are right. But there are so many reasons we can’t.” The moment his hold on me relaxes, I slip away, and hurry to my room, stubbing my toe in the dark.
I crawl onto my bed, bury my face in the pillow, and cry because that was the best first kiss I have ever had, and I am terrified I messed up, and it will be the last.
Swimming with them was the first of multiple mistakes I made today, but I do not regret it. Or anything else that happened. She resisted my flirting at first—every now and then, she’d give in and I’d get a little back from her. Sienna is afraid to break the rules, she wants to, but fear makes her stop herself every time we get close.
I couldn’t stop myself when I saw her sneaking around in her pajamas tonight. That standoff in the kitchen upset me. I know she wanted to kiss me and that she would have if I wasn’t her boss. If her job wasn't at risk. Sienna doesn’t hide how she looks at me, and today I saw the glint of mischief in her eyes when I openly flirted.
That kiss—fuck my life—that kiss has done things to me. Physical things, my cock is so hard it hurts, but also, I have this feeling that I just let the best thing that ever happened to me run away down the hallway. I should have stopped her, but I was still processing—still feeling her and that intoxicating kiss. I am still in a trance, my cock is hard, and my mind is racing with thoughts of her.
Lying on my bed, I can’t stop thinking about it, reliving it. Her taste, the way her body felt beneath me. The soft fabric that covered it. The sounds she made, and the smell of her shampoo—all of her. God, I want it all. To touch her, kiss her, be with her. My hand down my boxers, I grip my cock in my hand. It’s rock hard. With images of her in my head, I do what I have to relieve the frustration. I jerk myself off, my back arching off the bed as I grunt and sigh. Getting closer and closer.
I imagine her on top of me, my hands on her perfectly curved hips. Those gorgeous eyes, looking down at me as she rides my cock, chasing her own climax. “Hmmm.” I have to hold down the urge to moan out loud. Fisting my cock, harder and faster, I am so close.
“Dad.” Fuck. I just about shit my pants, and any boner I had is gone. Nova’s voice makes sure I am back in reality. “What are you doing? Is your willy itchy? Did you bathe yet?” Bless his sweet innocent child mind. May it stay like that forever.
“I bathed. I was just fixing my pants so I can sleep comfortably. They were twisted.” He frowns at my lie but doesn’t say anything. He just shrugs and I ask, “Why are you up buddy?” He’s not a light sleeper. Once he is down, he usually sleeps until morning without any problems.
“My water bottle was empty, I went to get more. I am so hot. I think I got a sunburn today at the pool.” He is a bit red, even though I saw Sienna slather the sunscreen on him a few times. “I am going to bed now. I hope you get comfortable, Dad. Maybe change your pants.” He leaves my room, and I curse the fact that I forgot to close the door when I came back in here.
Sighing, I cover my face with my arms. I can’t believe my son just caught me jerking off—to thoughts of his nanny no less. I’m almost dozing, my erection completely gone. My whole body has let go of the tension and desire that had built up all day.
“Dad,” Jesus, again, he startles me. “Why were you kissing Sienna?” How did we not see him see us? Shit, shit, shit—nooo. I need to fix this quickly.
“I wasn’t kissing Sienna,” I start, and he stops me.
“Yes, against the wall, I saw you.” Sweet Lord help me, this is not what I wanted.
“I wasn’t kissing her. She walked into the wall and got hurt. I had to hold her up and give her first aid.” Please believe me, please.
“Like mouth to mouth. Did a fireman teach you that?” he asks, and I am dying inside.
“Yes, just like that,” I say. “I learned it from an EMT. They drive ambulances.” I hope that distracts him from the kiss, the kiss he never should have seen, fuck. She was right—we can’t do this. I can’t do this to my son. We’re leaving and he knows she’s only around to be his nanny until then.