Page 30 of Straight Fire
“So, that wasn’t something you enjoyed and suggested to me?” Although after the first five minutes, I had known there was no way he watched that show.
He scowled. “Fuck no.”
It had to have been one I liked before. He knew things I’d liked to eat, what I’d liked to watch. That didn’t sound like afatal attractionsituation. There was the age difference, but I was beginning to think we’d had a relationship.
“I’m going to get Huck or Levi when you’re done eating. You’ve got to get out of the bed and walk around some today. I have the crutches, but with your ribs and chest wound, they aren’t ideal. It will be easier if you have someone to lean on who can support your weight. It’s best if you can walk on the leg cast. It will take some work, but it’ll help with blood flow.”
He didn’t say anything, so I left it at that and went to prepare the bathroom for him coming in and out. Right now, there was equipment that we no longer needed in the way.
When I walked back out of the bathroom, he cut his eyes to me. “With one of the crutches and you on my other side, I can get to the bathroom.”
I wasn’t so sure, but if he wanted to try it, I was willing. I got a crutch and put it by his bed. He threw back the covers, and I closed my eyes to keep from seeing his penis again.
“I’m wearing fucking briefs,” he told me.
I opened my eyes and saw he had on a pair of white briefs.Whew. Okay. That’s good.
Still a little more than I needed to see because, good Lord, his body was beautiful. The muscles in the one thigh I could see was as impressive as the rest of him. Lusting over the man wasn’t going to get him out of this bed.
I helped him until his legs were turned toward me. I gave him a crutch for the side his cast was on, and I bent down so he could put his arm around my shoulders for the other side.
He pulled up with just a little grunt from the pain. That was easier than I’d expected.
“Take your time,” I told him.
It was slow, but he walked to the bathroom with very little help from me. He used me for balance, but didn’t put any weight on my shoulders. That concerned me since I was worried about his chest and ribs.
When we got to the toilet and stopped, I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to do here. The last time I’d helped him pee didn’t go well.
“Move back,” he told me as he took his arm off me and then tried to pull his underwear down, but it wasn’t working.
He glanced back at me. “You’re gonna have to do it,” he said, sounding disgusted by the idea. It stung, but at least it helped keep me grounded with him.
I stepped forward and pulled down the briefs, making sure to keep my gaze diverted. He chuckled as I stepped back. At least he was finding humor in this now, as opposed to being upset about my touching him. I kept my head down as I turned my back and walked to the door, giving him some privacy, but not getting too far in case he lost his balance.
Listening to him pee felt intimate, and I didn’t know what to do with that. It shouldn’t bother me or affect me in any way. It wasn’t like he had a great personality. He was mean. I was just attracted to his looks. No worries about getting attached there.
When he finished, he didn’t even try to pull his briefs up, so I went to do it for him. Trying to get them up and over the size of his rather large penis was harder than getting them down.
I was going to have to look and move a little closer. He held on to the side of the wall and turned slightly, making it easier for me. I had to pull the front of the briefs out some to get them up. Once that was accomplished, I stood back up, and my eyes clashed with his.
The expression on his face made it difficult for me to breathe. That was not a look of disgust. Not even close. His eyes dropped to my mouth, and my body seemed to feel it everywhere. Especially between my legs.
“You need to move,” he said in a husky voice.
I stepped back but kept my eyes on him to make sure he didn’t fall. “I, uh, need to get on your other side,” I reminded him.
His eyes flared as he looked at me. “I need a fucking minute, Shiloh.”
Okay. I nodded and stood there, waiting.
“Fuck,” he muttered and clenched his teeth. “Come help me. I can’t keep standing much longer.”
I hurried to his side and slid under his arm, and then we made our way back to his bed. Turning so he could sit down without falling, I went slowly, and finally, he put some weight on me. When he was back in bed, I stood up, and he let me help him scoot back, which was a first. Then, I moved his cast back onto the bed.
Feeling accomplished and like I was doing my job for once, I leaned over him to adjust his pillow. It had slipped down. He said nothing while I did it, but his deep intake of breath made me pause. I pulled back and looked at him.
“That’s enough,” he said quietly.