Page 6 of Mine
“Because I worked for Smith for a bit, Sir. He was stingy, he paid shitty wages, and he screwed people over. I’m sure he picked that homeless boy to be his new helper so he doesn’t have to pay him much. Besides, I knew where the key was so it seemed like an easy spot to nab, Sir.”
“Hmm. What about your roommate? You tried to refuse confessing at first and said it must have been his money. To me, that sounds like you were willing to let him suffer in your place.”
Luke’s face burned, and he expected to feel the stinging lash again for his selfishness, but it didn’t come. “I was willing to let him take the fall because he beat his wife before she ran away, Sir. I only stayed with him because I had a roof over my head and someone to split the rent with. I didn’t know about the wife until later, and he bragged about putting her in her place. He’s fucking trash for doing that to her, Sir. No wonder she ran away from him.”
Jagger was quiet again for several moments. “The reason doesn’t matter in terms of your punishment and sentence. The Earl won't give a shit about why, but I still like to get the reasoning from prisoners. It’s partly to help them think and see why they made a decision in the hopes that when they’re free again, they won’t do that.”
“Wouldn’t the torture to confess and punishment be enough, Sir?” Luke was sure he’d never even touch a piece of lint that wasn’t his after the way Jagger had pried the information from him with only words.
“Not always,” said Jagger. “Besides, the ones who steal a tiny amount suffer fewer lashes and a shorter term. Some think they won’t get caught next time, they do something worse, and then, they’re on the post again with a worse sentence, and they’re branded.” He came around to lift Luke’s chin. “I don’t think you’ll steal again, will you?”
“No, Sir.”
“You know you did wrong, right? Despite the reasoning?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“If you ever dare to steal again or piss in someone’s ale barrel, I suggest you pick a different city where the punishments aren’t so bad."
“I won’t steal again, Sir. Or pee in someone's ale."
Jagger peered at him for a long moment. “Did you love Zela?”
“Not like that, Sir. We were just good friends, and I like men."
“It was good of you to stay with her, and you did your best in her final moments. You even wanted to pay what you owed despite the physician forgiving the debt. You’re not one with selfish reasoning.” Jagger cupped his chin. “Your sentence will probably have you sent to lirek mines."
Cold dread formed a ball in Luke’s gut.
"You took quite a bit. Also, once in a while, the Earl likes to send most of the prisoners over as a bit of a message, so even the few petty thieves we have will go. If that's his decision, you won't be publicly whipped here because we won't wait that long to leave. The rapists and murderers who are deemed too violent don't go there.”
“Sir, is there any way to get out of mine?”
“No, and I’m guessing you can expect to spend four or five years there. Your whippings will be done there in intervals.”
And Luke would spend days down in the mine, breathing lirek dust and doing backbreaking work. He’d heard horror stories of the Elbannon prison mine. Minor infractions were punished with whippings, and the guards often raped the prisoners. The prisoners attacked each other too, and someone who was smaller and weaker might find themselves being bent over night after night by someone bigger than him. They might even be gang-raped.
Luke wasn’t particularly thin, and he was a bit tall, but there could be someone bigger and meaner that wanted a fresh guy and decided he looked good. Or several someones. If a group came after him, he wouldn't be able to fight them off.
Besides that, all prisoners in the mine received a second brand on their other shoulder. If they ran, it marked them. Anyone that returned a runaway was rewarded. When the prisoner’s time was up, an x was branded over the second one which meant they were currently free and had finished their sentence.
“I do periods there and here,” said Jagger. "I'll be returning shortly with the sentenced prisoners."
Of course, the lirek dust in the air would get to be too much after a time even with tinctures to help. Jagger would get a short break and come here to torture prisoners into confessing during that period.
“You know, a prisoner will have a much better time if he belongs to a senior guard. Pets. Slaves. Either word goes. We have a system there.” Jagger gave him a look. “You already asked to suck my cock, and if you’re willing to please me, I could take you on.”
Luke shifted a bit. Basically, he’d be like a sex slave for Jagger to use, but no one would mess with him. Or at least not too much. “You’d protect me if I was your slave, Sir?”
“Of course, as long as you please me.”
“Would you be the one to punish me, Sir?”
“If you were my pet, I'd do all your whippings, and I'd take care of you afterward. You can’t get out punishment because I’d be directly flouting the Earl’s orders, but I could make it more bearable. Most are whipped and dumped in the barracks afterward. The guards don’t care if they’re cut up either. You’ll certainly suffer, but I’ll treat you better.”
Jagger had been willing to put him through horrendous torture, and he’d terrified Luke into confessing beforehand.
But in a way, he’d also seemed genuine when he said he didn’t want to watch while Luke was broken on the rack. It was quite plausible that he didn’t get joy from every part of his job. It was something that simply had to be done, and if he’d ease Luke’s time in the mines a little and keep him from being hurt or raped by others, he’d happily obey Jagger.