Page 8 of Mine
Luke was brought up some steps and into a room with a high window. It was open but barred, and Luke could never hope to squirm through it. The tiny bit of fresh air it brought was a relief. That didn’t last long when he saw what the room held.
A sturdy wooden horse sat to one side. A brazier wasn't far, and he knew it would be lit later. The brand hung on the wall, and it was quite large. Leather cuffs, straps, and a bit gag hung on other nails next to it. Luke shivered as the guards took him over to a set of manacles nailed to the wall beneath the window. They were only about four feet from the ground, and he realized how this predicament bondage would wear him out.
It was another form of torture to leave him like that for hours.
Once they pushed his back to the wall and had him at the right level, the guards clamped the metal around his wrists. After one strapped the bit gag into his mouth, both stood back. Luke couldn’t stand, and sitting was out of the question since his rear didn't reach the floor. He could simply go limp and hang from his wrists, but that would turn into agony.
He couldn’t properly squat, and his only option to relieve his wrists for a short time was to brace his back against the wall and pretend he was sitting on an invisible chair. That strained his rear and legs and wouldn't be possible to hold for long. When he tried shifting his legs to see if it was easier, his stomach clenched as he imagined the next few hours.
The guards watched his expression as his thighs took the strain, and one snickered. “Have fun.”
“I suggest you spend the time to think about what you did to get into this situation.”
They left him there and locked the door. Luke struggled to find a more comfortable position to endure his time. That wasn’t happening. Dear Elira, how was he supposed to take this?
He was practically in tears after two hours when Jagger came in and closed the door. His knee-length coat had dark grey embroidery around the hem today. Luke flushed because he had drooled all over himself thanks to the bit gag.
“Now do you see why the wall wears you out?”
Luke made a noise of assent. “Eese, ir.” He tried to plead with his eyes too.
Jagger approached him and seemed to understand his garbled words. “You still have two hours left, and you don't get a break."
Luke made a desperate noise as he struggled to hold his weight on his legs. “Wata, ir? Eese?”
“No. Remember what I said about enduring because you have no choice. You’ll suffer every second of this with no relief. If you decide to be my slave, there may be times I put you in painful positions and make you hold them, or I might use predicament bondage on you. Think about that, and remember it before you make your final decision. I’m not an easy man to please. I’ll see you in two hours.”
Jagger left without a backward glance. Alone once more, Luke had absolutely nothing to distract him, and his thighs threatened to cramp. Dear Elira, this was worse than being made to stand on his toes when they left him chained up in the room with the rack.
Every second seemed to take an eternity, and he almost wanted to cry. His wrists couldn’t take another second of this, and neither could his legs.
But he took it and suffered every single second of the next two hours because no other option existed. No relief came, and when he broke down and sobbed, it still didn’t get better.
Jagger finally returned with a guard and a healer. Luke begged through the bit gag, hoping they’d release him right now. His wrists were surely damaged a bit, but the healer could take care of that since too much time hadn't passed.
Jagger stood over him and twirled a leather riding crop in one hand. “When you quiet down and suffer in silence, you can be released. Consider that to be a part of your training.”
Luke sucked in a breath and cringed at the wet noise since there was so much spit. Why not let him go and get to the branding part so it could be done and over with? He let out another whimper as his thigh cramped again.
Jagger ran the tip of the crop along his torso. “Obedience and silence are sometimes a prisoner's best defense. If you want to be my slave, you’ll obey.”
Luke’s legs couldn’t take it, so he let himself hang from his abused wrists. Sharp pain lanced through them, but he clenched his teeth on the gag as his chest heaved. The crop circled his nipples and swept across his chest. A sharp smack on the left one made him flinch, but he focused on keeping quiet.
He just had to obey, and he’d have an easier time there in the mines with Jagger protecting him. It would still be hard, and he’d suffer, but being a stray was far worse. He’d have to figure out how to survive on his own among the other prisoners.
Jagger didn't need him, but Luke needed him.
His legs hurt, but when the crop slid down to his crotch, he opened his legs a bit further, welcoming Jagger to do as he pleased. Jagger had said to wait until after the branding to decide, but Luke had already made his decision.
Jagger would be his owner. He’d make the rules, and Luke would obey like any good slave or pet. He’d suck cock, take it up his ass, and do whatever he was told. When the crop drew back a little as if to strike him again, he held still.
Jagger lifted the crop and twirled it. “Let him down.”
The guard let him drop on the floor so the healer could take each wrist and heal it. Her fingers glowed, and warmth spread through them. Within seconds, the pain faded, and she did his shoulders, but she left his thighs alone. That soreness would have to go away on its own.
“Shall I strap him down now?” asked the guard.
Jagger tapped Luke’s ass with the crop. “No. Get the brazier going. Luke’s going to show me what a well-behaved, obedient boy he is if he knows what’s good for him, and he won't need to be forced or manhandled.”