Page 21 of Unhinged Desires
“Would it matter if I liked someone who wasn’t?” I counter.
“No, of course not. It was just a question. Tell me about her.”
“Where are you?” I ask instead.
“Chapel Street.”
“Want to meet for lunch?” I’ll try anything to get myself out of this office.
“Always,” Mum says, and I can hear her grin. I am her baby boy, after all.
“Great, I’ll text you a place. Be there in thirty.”
“Okay, see you soon, baby.” She hangs up.
“Are you two really going to block the door and prevent me from meeting my mother for lunch?” I raise a brow in question.
“Sometimes I wish you were born stupid. It would have been a lot more convenient if you took after Bray,” Dad grunts and shakes his head. “You’re way too fucking smart for your own good, Dominic.”
“Hey, I’m right fucking here.” My uncle throws a fist at my dad’s shoulder.
“Guess I get it from Mum,” I deadpan. Don’t get me wrong, my dad is fucking smart as fuck, and I look up to him a lot. I just like to give him shit.
“Thank fuck for that,” Dad says. “Come on, I’ll walk you out.” It’s not a question or offer. It’s a command. I follow him out of the office, glancing over my shoulder as Axel is being led out of the workout room by Uncle Zac. He can wait. I know where that fucker sleeps anyway. As soon as we’re at my car, Dad turns on me. “Are you sure you have everything under control, Dom? It’s okay if you don’t. But I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.”
“I swear I’m fine. I’m not about to do anything stupid. I promise,” I tell him.
“Rein in that possessiveness a little. You haven’t even spoken to the girl yet.”
“I’ve spoken to her.” I grin.
“You just said that you haven’t met her…”
“I haven’t. We had… a phone conversation,” I tell him.
“And how’d that come about?” he questions.
“I may have sent her a few messages, here and there.” I shrug, then add, “Anonymously.”
“Jesus-fucking-Christ, Dom. She has no idea the person she’s talking to isyou, does she?”
“Who the fuck does she think she’s talking to then?”
“She doesn’t think anything. It’s fine. I’m not going to hurt her,” I tell him, and for once, I believe it. If I were really going to hurt her, I’ve had ample opportunity to do so.
“Okay. Just know that whatever you need, whenever, I’m here for you. Always, Dominic. There is nothing you could ever do to change that,” he says.
“I know. Thanks, Dad.” I pull him in for a quick hug before opening the door to my Bentley.
“This car’s too fucking showy,” he grumbles.
“As opposed to what? The golden chariot you drive?”
“Go and see your mother. She misses you too fucking much,” is all he says before he steps away from the car and waves me off.