Page 36 of Unhinged Desires
“Business. I have big shoes to fill,” Lucy replies. I don’t think business is where her heart is at.
“Oh, I could only imagine. Dom is a business major too. You two must have some of the same classes.”
I glare at my mum. Her lame attempts at matchmaking are not going unnoticed.
“Probably, but I’m not overly social at school. There are too many spoilt jerks looking to take over Daddy’s company in those classes,” Lucy says, and I can’t hide my own smile at her answer.
“Lucy,” her mum scolds her.
“What? It’s true.” Lucy shrugs.
“Sometimes being born into money isn’t what it’s cracked up to be,” Mum adds.
“Speak for yourself. I happen to like my money,” I counter, removing an invisible piece of lint from my coat.
“Your daddy’s money, don’t you mean?” Lucy smiles at me.
I purposely eye the three hundred thousand dollar diamond she’s currently wearing around her neck. A diamond my ‘daddy’s money’ bought her. Lucy’s fingers wrap around the chain.
“That’s a beautiful piece. Is it a family heirloom?” Mum asks, noticing the necklace.
“No, it was a gift. I just haven’t had time to return it yet,” Lucy replies.
“Well, I wouldn’t be so quick to return that.” Mum smiles.
“I wouldn’t either, but I’ve just started dating this guy and he wouldn’t appreciate me taking gifts from random men.” Lucy smirks in my direction.
“You’re dating? Who?” Lucy’s mum practically pivots in her seat, the shock evident in her tone.
“Like I said, it’s new, but we’re planning a trip next week once school ends.”
“Does this person you’re planning a trip with have a name?” I question her, my fist gripping the butter knife in front of me.
“He does, but you wouldn’t know him. He’s not from school,” she says.
I haven’t seen her talk to anyone in particular, but whoever it is that she thinks she can go away with, I’ll have him buried quicker than she can pack a bag.
“Wait, Xavier said you’re going to go work for him over the break?” Mrs Christianson shatters the silent stare down.
“Shar is, not me. He just doesn’t know that yet.” Lucy laughs.
“Right. Oh, Ella, I’d love to invite you and Dean to dinner next Sunday. And you as well, Dominic, of course,” Lucy’s mum says.
“Count me in,” I reply, my eyes still locked on her daughter.
“Great, I look forward to it.” Her mum beams.
A heap of waiters come out and place plates around our table. It’s odd that it’s only us four sitting here, when all of the other tables are filled with ten people. I don’t mention it though, as I push the food around on my plate while watching Lucy do the same thing. She keeps looking at her phone. Checking the time. Probably counting down the hours until she can leave. Both our mothers chat amongst themselves while we sit in silence. Lucy glares daggers at me every now and then. To which, I do my best not to let my lips tip up in response.
All I can focus on is how much I want to fuck that glare right off her face. My cock has been in a constant state of hardness since she first walked in.
At the end of the night, Mrs Christianson’s phone rings. She takes the call while her eyes lock on Lucy. “Oh, honey, I have to rush over to Grandma’s. Can you get a town car to drop you home?” she asks.
“Ah, yeah, sure. What’s wrong with Grandma?” Lucy’s brows knit together.
“Nothing. She can’t find the lamingtons she made yesterday,” her mum says. There’s a despondency in her voice I don’t quite understand. “Sorry, my mother is in the early stages of dementia. Most days are still good but we get the odd one where it’s not going well.”
“Completely okay. Don’t worry, we’ll ensure Lucy makes it home safely,” my mum promises.