Page 42 of Unhinged Desires
“How the hell do you know I’m not sleeping? On second thought, don’t bother answering that. I really don’t want to know.”
“So, what’s wrong?” I raise an eyebrow, urging her to continue.
“Other than the fact I have a crazed stalker? Gee, Dominic, I have no idea why I’m not sleeping.”
“Are you afraid of me?” I tilt my head, my gaze peering deep into hers.
“No.” She folds her arms across her chest. It’s a defensive posture, meaning either she’s lying or she doesn’t like the truth. Maybe a mixture of both.
“You should be,” I tell her. “But I’m not sure I want you to be.”
“You’re a walking contradiction.”
“I know.”
“What is it that you want here?” she asks.
“I want to make you come.” I step into her. My hand reaches out and wraps around her hair, tilting her head back. “I want to kiss the breath out of your lungs. I want to feel your body tremble for me. I want to taste your tears when everything gets to be too much for you to hold in any longer. I want to fucking consume you whole. I want to own you, Little Bee.”
Her chest rises and falls with each heavy breath. Her pupils dilate and her mouth parts. My eyes hone in on her lips. I’ve never craved a taste of something so bad in my life. Without hesitation, I slam my mouth onto hers. I tug on her hair harder, causing her jaw to drop as I shove my tongue between her parted lips. Her body softens, sinking into mine, and her tongue starts to duel for control. I watch her eyelids flutter as I do my best to kiss the life out of her. I swallow her little moans, slowly guiding her backwards against the basin.
My hands go to her waist and I pick her up and sit her ass on the edge of the counter. Then I step between her thighs, my mouth never leaving hers. Her hands curl into the front of my tee. I cup her cheeks, tilting her face and granting myself better access to her mouth. She tastes like chocolate and honey. Sweet, just like I knew she would.
I pull myself away from her lips, force the smallest space between us. “Fucking perfect,” I groan.
“This isn’t meant to happen,” she whispers, her fingers brushing her bottom lip.
“This is abso-fucking-lutely meant to be happening,” I tell her.
She shakes her head from side to side.
“Why aren’t you sleeping, Little Bee? What are you so afraid of?” I ask her.
“Besides being kidnapped and kept in a glass jar?” Her eyebrows lift to her hairline.
“Besides that.”
I take in her answer. I run it over and over in my head as I continue to watch her. She’s afraid of me. She’s admitting it. And, oddly enough, it doesn’t make me feel as good as I thought it would.
“As much as I want your pain, I think I want your pleasure more. I want to watch you sleep peacefully. I don’t like your nightmares,” I tell her.
“What if I want to give you my pain? What if I want to use you to escape a life I’ve felt trapped inside for as long as I can remember? What if you’re the one who should be afraid here?”
“I’m fucking petrified of you, Little Bee. That’s why I’ve stayed away. But now that I’m pretty fucking sure we’re not going to kill each other, I don’t think I can do that anymore. I don’t think I can keep my distance or continue to watch you from afar.” My thumb brushes down her cheek.
“You have to. This isn’t good for me.” She jumps off the counter and I let her step around me and walk out the door. I let her get away.
For now. But I won’t be far. I’ll always be one step behind her. Wherever she goes.
* * *
Standingin the darkness of Lucy’s bedroom, I watch her head turn from side to side. Whispered cries coming out of her mouth. I’m itching to wake her, to wrap her in my arms and tell her that it’s going to be okay. Promise her things I can’t promise, just to give her some peace of mind. I turn to walk away when she calls out my name. I crane my neck, glancing over my shoulder and expecting to find her sound asleep, only to see two glassy eyes staring back at me. She’s sitting up in bed, with the sheet clutched in one hand while the other attempts to cover her chest.
“What are you doing?” she asks, though she doesn’t sound as shocked as I would have thought.
“Checking up on you. Go back to sleep,” I tell her.