Page 30 of Grump Daddy's Baby
He quirks a brow at me but obviously doesn’t say anything about it.
“Like what?” Bria presses. “Do they have the Barbie boat?”
“No, I think the Barbie motorcycle and airplane.”
Bria gasps. “Daddy, can I have the Barbie airplane for my birthday next week?”
“It’s your birthday?”
She glances over at me, showing the first sign of excitement since meeting me. “Yes. And Daddy said I could have a Barbie party.”
Oh, wow.
I glance back over at him. “That sounds amazing. I can’t wait to see what your daddy brings home. All those pink balloons and Barbie decorations all over the house are going to look amazing.”
He smirks at me, but it’s not a nice, flirty one. It’s an indication that he’s probably going to go make me do it or something.
Or that my little clapback was lame as all hell.
“Daddy, can I have them all?”
“No,” he says without hesitation. “I can’t buy you the whole store, Bria.”
“But, Mommy said that you’re rich.”
I see a muscle tick in his jaw before he rights himself and glances down at her. “Your mommy is rich. She married someone who inherited a fortune last year.”
He said that like the fact is a sour taste in his mouth and it makes sense. Judging by the way he didn’t want to go to the wedding in the first place, it doesn’t take a brain scientist to evaluate that their relationship didn’t end on good terms.
“Can I ask Mommy?”
“You can ask her whatever you want, sweetheart,” he replies with a smile that doesn’t reach his blue eyes. “Ask her for the big dollhouse you want and she’ll buy it for you.”
Why is he promising her things if he doesn’t know she’s going to do it?
However, I can’t help but realize what I thought about earlier and on our alleged date.
There’s no love there anymore. She dragged him to a wedding and possibly left him.
I can see it written all over his face. There’s some dredged-up hurt there and it’s more than likely the reason he’s so closed off.
Which, in the grand scheme of things, isn’t my business. I’m not here to look out for his mental well-being but to take care of his children.
Lark and Bria.
That’s it. As far as I’m concerned—and what I’m being paid to do—Kai is going to have to deal with all his issues with his ex-wife on his own.
But it doesn’t stop the curiosity about what I may have gotten myself into.
I excuse myself from the table and feel Kai’s eyes on me as I make my way into the foyer and up to the second floor.
With my phone in my hand, I don’t hesitate to type in his name. I’m looking for possible social media accounts or something to show me how long ago this all went down. The girls seem to be guarded from it, which is good, but Kai’s vibes tell me that not all is fine in his world with his ex.
And it’s not.
Not at all.