Page 41 of Grump Daddy's Baby
“Well, save it for someone else,” I say as Myles squints his eyes to throw another ball. “I’m not looking to get into a relationship right now.”
“Right, the several boyfriends.” I send him over an exasperated look, but he’s not paying attention. “I’m taking it that’s a lie.”
I titter-totter my answer before saying, “That’d be correct.”
“Any particular reason why you haven’t righted Kai on that fact?”
Myles throws his last shot and it bounces along the rim, causing me to catch Kai in my focus.
A brunette is currently pawing at his muscled bicep and, instead of annoyance, I feel bad for her. That man isn’t going to show her the ounce of attention she probably deserves.
“He’s pretty fucked-up over his last relationship,” Myles offers up, gaining my attention again. “Olivia and him were supposed to be end game.”
“Yeah…it appeared like it wasn’t left on the best of terms.”
Myles picks up his beer off the table. “That’s putting it lightly.”
Kai’s partner, a blonde, begins making throws at our end of the table, missing the cups by a mile.
“How long ago was that?” I ask as nonchalantly as I can.
“Two years ago.” I guess that’d still leave a sour taste in your mouth. “His girls were in the wedding, as you well know, and they begged him to come. He wouldn’t turn those girls down for the world.”
I’ve noticed that.
Kai might be stoic on the outside, but he’s a softy for his daughters on the inside.
“He is a good dad,” I agree. “His girls are wonderful.”
“They’re bomb.” Myles takes a sip of his beer and points at me. “Can I get you another drink?”
“Whiskey, straight up.”
Myles’s brows go heavenward. “Damn, really?” I bow my head. “You sure you’re not looking for a relationship?”
A small chuckle forms from my throat. “Do youdorelationships?”
The sly smile along his lips is a quick hint to ano,but he doesn’t waste any time trying to prove me otherwise.
He takes a step in my direction, and we’re but another half an inch from our chests touching while Myles reeks of tequila and craft beer.
“I wouldn’t lie to you and say yes,” he manages as his tone dips into a baritone. “However, the right girl might make me change my mind.”
Such bullshit.
However, despite that, I like Myles. I like how he looks out for his buddy and tries—and fails—to do what’s best for him.
That’s why I haven’t punched him in the balls yet.
“I think it’s gonna take an awfully strong-willed girl to do that.”
Myles’s glossed eyes falls to my lips. “You seem to be a smartass. Up for the challenge?”
“And fight with you constantly until you stop waving your dick around to other females? I’d rather not.”
“I think you’re underestimating the red hair,” he muses with a cocky smirk as he wags his finger at me. “I’ve already imagined running my fingers through it over a dozen times.”