Page 75 of Grump Daddy's Baby
Mindy shifts her weight next to me and crosses her legs. “I think I missed that one.”
“You missed a bloodbath.”
She cringes a bit before forcing another smile in my direction. “I’ll have to go back and watch it.”
“Who’s your favorite boxer?”
“Well…I mean, I’ve always been a fan of you.”
“Yeah?” I perk a brow as if I’m slightly flattered. “Which fight of mine was your favorite?”
Mindy pushes her cheek out with her tongue as if thinking about it. “Gosh…there’s so many.”
I chuckle because this hole that she’s digging herself into is going to result in her never being in my line of sight again, out of embarrassment. “Give me your top three, then.”
“Oh, wow,” she utters with a nervous sigh. “You’re really just putting me on the spot right now, aren’t you?”
No shit, Sherlock.
“I don’t run into many women who are into boxing,” I answer honestly. At least ones who are there to actually watch the fight, rather than just to find some guy to take home. “So I’m intrigued by your perspective versus mine.”
“I’m sure it’s very humble.”
“I dunno…” I run the pad of my finger along my jeans. “You might surprise me.”
“Top three?” she repeats, buying herself some time.
I nod victoriously because there’s no way in hell that she’s going to be able to pull this out of her ass.
“Mine are the Bran, Jude, and Kyson fights,” another female voice chants from behind me, causing my neck to crane over to find Molly there with her arms crossed along her chest.
But fuck me, I can’t help but soak in every single inch of her body. The light blue jean shorts she’s wearing ride up her tanned thighs and give way to her curvy waist.MyMetallica t-shirt is knotted to the side because it’s too big for her and showing off some of her flat torso.
“Hey, baby,” I reply, still taking in her body and the need to just steer her back upstairs so I can run my fingers down every inch. “You came just in time.”
Molly doesn’t respond, holding her position with pride as I roll my eyes with a smirk.
There’s a bit of jealousy in those beautiful eyes and it only makes me hard just thinking about how I can show her how not jealous she needs to be.
“C’mon. Myles ordered you pizza,” I offer up to keep with the mild conversation.
She takes that opportunity to lose the scowl, as if food just took over her irritation at the woman next to me. “Yeah?”
“But you have to come over here before I give you a piece and kiss your man.”
Molly’s brows clench a bit before I turn my body back around to face Mindy, who appears absolutely horrified.
It’s an asshole move, but it’s one that needs to be made.
I’m not on the market. I’m not looking for anything. I don’t want anyone else but the woman who’s walking around the couch right now.
And she can blame Myles for wasting her time when she thought she was going to score, but this woman knows nothing about me other than I’m a B-list celebrity and that I have money.
Molly begins to plop down slowly on my other side, but I’m snatching her hips and pulling her into my lap. Spreading my thighs so that her ass is pressed against my cock.
“Sorry, Mindy,” I profess lightly. “What did you say your favorite fight was?”