Page 10 of Red, White, and Ewe
Mayson fidgeted. Odd, since he never appeared nervous around her. She tilted her head to the side. "What's going on, Mays?"
"What'd you mean?" His dark gaze held hers.
"You said you wanted to talk to me about something, and your leg's bouncing so much, it's like a rocket about ready to fly into space."
Mayson's low chuckle filled the space between them. "I suppose I am nervous."
"Well, I need to ask a certain blond-haired beautiful chef if she'd make thegoodiesI plan to sell for Fourth of July." Mayson wiggled his eyebrows.
Cinnamon's giggle came out higher pitched than she intended. She cleared her throat, forcing down her embarrassment. "I suppose that depends on what she has planned for the guests and what the handsome owner of A Whole Latte of Love required of her."
"Handsome, huh?"
"You said I was beautiful. One good turn deserves another." A sly smilelifted Cinnamon's lips.
"Good to know." Mayson pushed his hand on his knee and stilled the shaking. "We can get together and discuss it, if you wouldn't mind."
"Sure. When would you like to do that?"
Mayson wrapped his large hands around his mug. "How about if we get a bite to eat, and if the conversation turns to the holiday, then great. If not, we can set up another date to discuss what I'm looking for."
"Date?" Cinnamon gulped, suddenly realizing why Mayson was nervous.
"We've known each other a long time, right?" At her nod, Mayson continued, "I don't know why we haven't tried dating before now. You're alone. I'm alone. All of our friends seem to be getting engaged or married. Why not see if this can lead somewhere?" He motioned between the two of them.
"I've never thought about that before," Cinnamon confessed. "What if it doesn't, Mays?"
"Then we go back to being friends, and we wish each other well." Mayson held out his hand. "We're adults and can handle that, right?"
"Is that possible? Date someone and go back to merely friendship if it doesn't work out?" Cinnamon nibbled her lip.
"I guess that depends on how long we've dated. I mean, if after only two dates we realize we're not compatible in a romantic sense, it shouldn't be that hard."
"What if one of us doesn't agree with the other?"
Mayson ran his hand down his dark beard. "I suppose we cross that bridge when we come to it.Ifwe come to it."
Cinnamon's eyes flicked to the giant window. The loneliness only increased being at Linden Farms over the last couple of days. Seeing Kaleb every day twisted her heart more than she thought possible.
"How about it, Cin? Wanna take a risk and go out on a date with me?" Uncertainty filled Mayson's normally confident voice.
"Yes. I'll go out with you."
Mayson's wide grin revealed his white teeth. "Great. How about this Friday? I'll pick you up at six, and we can get dinner."
"I have Sunday and Monday off. Is that okay?"
Mayson nodded. "Absolutely. Want me to pick you up at Linden Farms?"
"My house. I'll be staying there on my days off." Cinnamon gulped then tossed him a sly smile. "You're not going to take me to dinner at the Inn, right?"
Mayson barked a laugh. "Um, no. My mama raised me better than that. If she found out I took you to the place you work, she'd have my hide."
"Good woman. I knew I liked her." Cinnamon joined in his laughter.
Mayson stood and pulled her up, wrapping his long arms around her. "I'm glad we're giving this a go. Who knows? Maybe we're just what each other needs."